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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Love (and sarcasm) is Spoken Here.

How was your day?

Oh one of the most dreaded questions on the face of the planet. Most days I just want to throw down my backpack, stuff my face with food, and not do a darn thing before bedtime. But then the question comes..."How as your day?" 

I'll start off by posting these before I might die...

My day. 

I have learned to love those words that my parents ask when I get home. "How was your day?" can tend to turn into crazy ridiculous stories, advice through trial, crazy weird laughs over a whole lot of nothing, and a better relationship with my parents. 


I'm still a dramatic teenager friends, so this isn't a story on how my life is perfect now that I have a great relationship with my parents. We still are all stubborn and have our own opinions and minds, but I don't doubt that I've learned more and become more aware of life situations and solutions by taking the step to work towards a better friendship with these crazies. 

Third wheeling.

About a year ago, Andrew left on his mission and I was left to be the only kid home--hardcore third wheeling it as I like to call it. It was hard. And people laugh and tease me all the time, but at that time for those few months, I felt alone. But you can read about that here. And it was hard to put into words, because in all reality, I wasn't really alone. But I felt like it. A lot of that I had to put on myself, because I had two of the greatest humans in the world right by my side and I wasn't realizing it because I was only thinking of myself. But things are different now.

The Change.

I'll be honest, that change factor didn't come easily. Everywhere in the media it basically shows that parents really don't know what they're talking about and can easily be deceived. BOY ARE THEY WRONG. Hahah, friends even when you think you're parents don't know, THEY KNOW. And believe it or not, they know what it's like to go through what you are right now, (even if they don't get some of the "hip" words and really try to--thanks mom for that.) and if they don't understand the situation in it's entirety, they'll try their darn best to. You've just got to give them the chance.

Love (and sarcasm) is Spoken Here. 

In my home, there's a lot of sarcasm, love, laughter, and crazy. And that's the way I like it. I don't think there's a perfect family, I know there isn't a perfect family. I'm mighty grateful for the one I have and the father and mother that guide us. But I know there's always a situation that's difficult. Maybe you don't have the kind of home life you would like. Maybe you live in a single parent home. Maybe you don't even live with your parents. But of one thing I'm sure; You have a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother that are so aware of you and love you. They want the best for you and know what you might be going through is far from easy. But they know you can handle it. You are their child and have made it through some great and hard things. Do you know that they love you? You better know you have parents who love you, and that you're far from a mistake. I'm grateful for eternity and being able to spend it with the craziest, most wise, best random party dancing, people I know. Make the best of what you have, do what your Heavenly Father asks, and everything will work out in the end. You are doing better than you think you are.

Mostly Marissa

Saturday, November 14, 2015

*Insert happy sun emoji here*

GUESS. WHAT. Your Savior, Jesus Christ LOVES YOU. 



Your Heavenly Father LOVES YOU EVEN MORE. 

How grand is that? That two people, NO MATTER WHAT love you more than you can ever fathom. They love you and I. Regardless of the stupid mistakes we make, or the words we say, (with extremely bad timing I must say--guilty of that!) they even love us when we don't! Isn't that simply AMAZING?!

Times are rough. Ohhhh are they rough. But I PROMISE you, that even if you feel there is nobody around you, that you feel broken, lost, hurt, afraid, and far from home, that is FAR from the truth. I know of two people who love you more than anything, more than you can EVER understand. One who gave you life and a glorious life, yours for the taking to lead. Another who literally died for YOU. But He is risen again. And He wants you to know that. Now, how could you forget one who created you, and one who knows exactly how you feel? YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Be happy. Even when it's the hardest to be happy. Even when you make mistakes that you wish you could take back. Be happy knowing that you aren't alone on this journey called life. Be happy through trials where it's hard to face another day. JUST BE HAPPY. 

Mostly Marissa 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lost in Translation.

Friends, I think I've found it. I think I've found the key and source to all unhappiness that has ever existed on this beautiful thing we all earth. Want to know what it is? It's all affiliated with this in one form or another I FIRMLY believe it. *Drumroll...*

UNGRATITUDE. Yup. I'm not sure if that's really even a legitimate word, but I feel strongly that that is the sole reason. Ungrateful. Ungrateful for EVERYTHING our loving Heavenly Father has given us. This gorgeous place He has given us to live, the people we are lucky to share this world with, right down to the oh so good taste of chocolate. But we forget. We want more. We look for more.


More than this Plan of Happiness that our Father has given us to someday return to him. We want more than every blessing He has ever given us for doing the right (and wrong) thing. We even want more than what our brother, Jesus Christ suffered in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for.

Instead we feel as though we know the path that our Heavenly Father should put us on. One with blissful, temptation and trial stripped lives. Paths that we think we are born to be even a gender that isn't what we were destined to be or given. Paths that even lead to taken away a life that wasn't ours to take from the start. We feel as though we can almost erase the entire Plan of Happiness that our Heavenly Father has set forth for us to succeed tremendously on. But we can't. Because even if we want "more," it may in turn become "less" because of the choices we made to make it such a way.

Lost in Translation.

Now I'm not trying to be super vague, or even say I'm not part of this. Because honestly, I'm one of the most ungrateful people I know! I see all of the things I am blessed with, but I want more. I'm ungrateful for the things I have been blessed with. But it's something I want to change.

It's time friends, come join me in truly becoming grateful for what the Lord has given us. We can surely eliminate some temptation and utter trial by just showing gratitude to our Heavenly Father.

Let's not get lost in translation of the blessings that we already have.

~Mostly Marissa~

Join me in studying this talk this week by our beloved latter-day prophet, Thomas S. Monson! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Different Battles, Same Source.

While at work, I was in deep thought. Not so much for myself, but those I love and see many of them be bombarded with different battles in their lives. So many different battles. Ones that I can't even fathom going through, but they were and are doing it--tremendously. And at times, I could see it cut to the inner core of their entire being. The worst part? There was nothing I could do but cheer them on. And sometimes that's just what's needed. That's the plan the Lord has for us and we just have to follow through.

Anyways, while I was deep in thought I was thinking, "Why? Why do these simply amazing people have to go through so much, and there isn't a darn thing I can't do?" When it came to me, (I'm sure by inspiration from the Lord) "We are all fighting different battles, but its all from the same source. Same sources."

Source One.

The most smelly, (I'd assume) horrible, awful person I can think of--Satan. I can't stand him. He's a peabrain of a man. When we go through our own trials, he seems to be at every corner. Not rooting us on, but discouraging us. Telling us we can't. Who has that right? We can't let him have that opportunity brothers and sisters.

He is an unfortunate source. He will push and continue to push trial and tribulation on our path hoping we won't make it through. However, our other source of battle is a completely different story.

Source Two.

The most amazing, patient, caring, loving, person there ever is and yet to be--our Heavenly Father. Why you may ask that He puts trial in our way? Simply because He loves us and wants us to grow. He is our Father. And just as it makes our parents ache when we have to make mistakes and learn, it hurts our Father in Heaven too. However, we must learn and grow. We must take this as a time to be grateful for the knowledge we have and make something of it. Because even if our Father has given us something that seems insurmountable, it's not something He expects us to accomplish on our own. We have the wonderful power of prayer to use to communicate with Him and work through our trials.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

John 14:18

So now the time has come. We are given multiple and various battles in our lives. Ones that from the bottom of the mountain seem almost impossible. But it all depends on how you look and react to it; Which source of your battle will you listen to?

~Mostly Marissa~ 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

What the Sabbath CAN Do For You.

First, I ask that you take a minute to watch this video--that is less than a minute long.

*Try clicking this if the video above doesn't work.

Oh man. Sundays. Aren't they the greatest? They're called the day of rest aren't they? Here are 5 ways to get the most out of your Sabbath, at least from what I've experienced and tested!

1. Go to bed BEFORE Midnight.

That's right. It's super difficult. You want to get all your final "weekend party" in before the dreaded Monday comes. Been there, done that! I seriously thought my parents were crazy when they told me I needed to be in bed before midnight. "Like really? I'm a teenager--almost adult. That 'knows' everything!" But when you go to bed before midnight, your Sunday means a lot more. You are more awake, and ready to listen to what the Lord is trying to tell you. Many will laugh at me for saying this, but this is coming from a gal who's prayers have been answered in those sacred meetings. All because she put forth the effort to make it a priority. Along with going to bed before midnight, is also waking up on time--it's a struggle! But entirely worth it. (And you 1:00 church goers, make sure you aren't sleeping your day away!)

2. Be Ready for Questions to be Answered!

Something great about the Lord's plan is that He ALWAYS answers our questions. Not always on our timing, but He answers them! But we also have to do our part--be ready and worthy to receive those answers. Sacrament meeting over the past 17 years have not always been hunky dory. They can prove to be strenuous and long to sit through, even for a teenager at times! But here are a couple of things that you can do to get the most out of it:

Print off a talk beforehand.
You don't necessarily have to just print it out, but it helps me to have a hardcopy that I can highlight and write notes on. I'm just old-fashioned in that aspect! Click the link herehere, and here for a few of my favorite talks.

Bring your HARDCOPY scriptures.
I'm not hating on the new and improved world we live in, but it brings a different aspect when you bring the scriptures you will bring on your mission, have brought on your mission, or even ones that won't allow you to access other sites while we have the sacrament. 

3. Thou Shalt Not Disturb.

If there were to be an 11th Commandment, I feel like it would be "Thou Shalt Not Disturb". Especially in this day and age it's pretty easy to access anything at the touch of a finger. Another thing I've learned is to turn your phone on either "do not disturb", or "airplane mode". For all your meetings! It's extremely easy to access social media and not listen to the things we should, but the Lord has given us a day to remember Him and do His work. We can take a few hours off of our beloved technology and given Him our time after all He has given us.

4. Go Beyond.

My friends, the Sabbath goes far past the few hours we spend at church. It's a day of respect and worship. It's a day for family, (in the right Sunday activities) a day to remember all that we have, and especially a day to work towards what we will do to become a better person for the next week. So when you get home from church, keep that spirit there for the rest of the day, and aim for the rest of the week. I promise it will make a difference. Here's a few things that I have learned to help me keep the focus:

Don't do homework on Sundays!
Oh the struggle! Especially getting a work overload, it's difficult to take off even one day of not doing homework. But I have seen a huge difference of taking the time to put the Lord first and even if it means missing some friend time, or going to bed a little later on a Friday night, it was all well worth it when my relationship has been better with my Savior and Redeemer. 

Try some Personal Progress or Duty to God.
Just do it.

Watch only Sunday-Appropriate movies.
Now I can't really make a literal list of all of them, but I feel like we all have a good conscience as far as judgement goes on this. If it's questionable, don't watch it! Haha if all else fails, watch those cheesy Mormon movies. You know what I'm talking about!

Listen to the right kind of music. 
I like to call it my "Sunday music detox". I like more chill music as it already is, but there's something about church music that helps me think through situations and think more clearly. It helps! EFY music is a definite top of the list! I'd be happy to share some of mine! 

5. Take It and Do Something With It! 

Like Shiloh LaBeouf would say, "Just...DO IT!" It takes a lot of work and effort on our part, and I assure you I am far from perfect--especially on this topic, but I have seen the difference and impact it's made on my life. I promise it's something you won't ever regret. Oh how I've learned to love Sundays.  

~Mostly Marissa~

Here's a few things the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has suggested:

Especially for families with young children: Sunday Cans

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Change Factor.

Hello readers! I'm back!! It's been about two months of a much needed break from blogging and I've got to say, I've missed it! Since there's been so much that's gone on these past two months, I'll put it in simple terms: It's been pretty great! (If you want to see what I've been up to, just check out my social media accounts--I've been told I post a lot but oh whallleee! ;))

So the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has put out this new video program (I'm not sure if that's the right term to use, but I'll use it for now. :)) It quite literally has changed my life. And do you know what it's called? 12 Steps to Change. But do you know this? It is completely surrounded around helping those who struggle with addiction to get on the right path. Not once does the program EVER say, "We can only help this addiction/struggle." NEVER. There are even videos with stories of those who have struggled with addictions including alcohol, pornography, drug, and even food addiction. You can find out more about the program here and watch the videos right here. I highly recommend watching these videos--even if you do not struggle with one of these addictions personally, you could help someone who does. 

I'd like to touch on two small parts of the "Change Factor," some that can particularly hard.

The Want of Change.

I think we all notice at one point or another that there needs to be a change in our life. It doesn't always have to be major either. It could be something as simple as "I'm reading my scriptures everyday, but it's just that. I'm just reading them." Or even "I really should work on my diet. It's not awful, but it's not so great either." And sure these sound silly to us, but when it comes to being becoming better than we are now, it's really not that silly.

I believe we're all truly good people. I think we all have good intentions, but sometimes we need that little push. The first step, at least for me is to know that I want something in my life to change, and especially know that I can find and have the willpower to make it happen. Change is hard! Ohhhh change is hard. But it's so necessary. The Atonement has a huge factor that plays into it of change. Change from past choices we've made. Knowing that the person we've been, can impact the person we are to become, but shouldn't entirely define our future. 

"God cares a lot more about who we are and who we're becoming than about who we once were."
-Dale G. Rendlund

The Will to Forgive.

Something that's hard to always accept and move on with, is forgiveness. Can I be honest? I'll be honest, I have the hardest time with forgiveness. Not only with others, but entirely myself. It's hard. But it's a burden that I don't want to unnecessarily carry. Or have anyone carry. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much, and He loves all of His children, but as part of that love is knowing that His plan is greater than we can comprehend. And if He can forgive us of our wrongdoings, shouldn't we do that same with His other children and ourselves? The Atonement covers it all. But that doesn't mean that we should forget our part in it. Forgiveness is difficult, but in the end it's entirely worth it. And it's not a path that we will ever walk alone. 

"Heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven. And they forgive."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

~Mostly Marissa~

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Especially for YOUth! 10 Reasons to Love EFY.

Here's a few of my thoughts about my last 5 years as a participant of EFY. So totally worth it all.

10. You meet some seriously rad people.

Not even joking. You really do meet some of the coolest people EVER. I've made some of my very best friends from EFY and strengthened relationships with old friends as well. There's something very real and empowering being around peers your age that share the same standards as you and aren't afraid to show it.

Spirit Squad a.k.a. Stand in the Light from this year. :) 

These people are thee best. 

And don't even get me started on the awesome counselors! They are truly inspired and have the best spirit about them. And hilarious. I want to be them when I grow up. I've never had a counselor I haven't loved.

Madi!! Seriously, she is the best. I'm forever grateful to have had her this past year. 

Billy Willy. We're purdy kewl.

9. The classes are the best thing EVER.

I know it's crazy to think, but I love going to class!...EFY class that is. They take seminary teachers from all over to come and teach lessons for two days. Best part is you get to choose the topic of the class you go to and it's just fantastic. Inspiration is definitely there and the greatest thing is that everyone gets their prayers answered in different ways.

8. You get to be fool.

You really do though! You get to be yourself and nothing less. How awesome is that?! 

Here's our daily shrubbery picture. You're welcome. Also, I love these people for taking these pictures with me. They're pretty rad. 

Day one! Mustache!

Day two! Unibrow!

Day three! Our attempt at a fu man shu!

Day four! Mustache! We ran out of ideas...

Day five! Mustaches...but I feel like it's fine!

7. It's Especially for You!

The whole EFY stands for "Especially for Youth". Which it really is. EFY has all been so worth it in my eyes. Inspiration is so real and the gospel is too. I'm so grateful for the EFY program and all it's helped me do and learn. 

6. It's really all fun and games. 

A lot of people have asked me if EFY is like my "bible camp". In some ways, yes it can be. I feel comfort from the spirit all week long. But it's also such a great time. We play games, have awesome dances, talk, and tease. It's great. And sometimes the boys in your company are so stinking awesome that they make the girls a music video...

5. You're constantly surrounded by GOOD.

There's really no way you can be upset or unhappy at EFY. You're just surrounded by such great people with positive attitudes, you can't go wrong. 


Oh my gosh. Them dances though. They are such a party. And you learn so many crazy, weird, fun line dances that it all just turns out great. And you make a fool of yourself getting into the dancing but I feel like it's fine because nobody else is really looking or paying attention because they're doing the same. 

3. You find yourself.

For me at least, it's put into perspective who I am and the person I want to be to others. Post EFY, I want to be a better person and apply all the things I've learned to help me achieve that. 

2. You grow closer to your Heavenly Father and Savior.

Let me tell ya'll a story, my first year of EFY I had a testimony. Quite small to be honest. Growing up in the church, it's very easy to just go through the motions and do what you're told to.--Go to church, read your scriptures, say your prayers...--However when you're consistently encouraged for a week to find out the "why" of that, you start to find if this is really what you want to believe in. And for me, I didn't really know what I wanted. I had felt the spirit and knew that the church was true, but I just didn't have that burning testimony of it quite yet. But that changed my first year of EFY.

On Thursdays at EFY, is kind of a big deal. It's what I like to call the "spirit day". Everyone dresses in their Sunday best, you have the musical program, a fireside with the session director, and testimony meeting. Everything became suddenly real on the joy I was feeling my first year. I'll be honest in saying that I don't remember a whole lot about that whole day in general. Although, one thing I do remember for sure. I remember the love I KNEW my Father in Heaven had for me. That He is SO real and knows the things we face. I saw a happiness I hadn't known before and a light that I felt like couldn't leave me ever again. I won't forget that overwhelming, and lasting happiness. I like to say that's when I truly became "converted" and a real member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It felt very real and true, and still does.

But I knew that our Heavenly Father loved and loves me. Although this year, I wanted to truly know that He knows and loves all of His children. And as I said a silent prayer in my heart to someday understand just a fraction of that, I knew that same night that when it was confirmed to me that Heavenly Father loves all His children in different ways. God loves His children SO much. It's crazy to think that out of the billions of people in this world, our Father in Heaven knows us so personally and individually. It's so real.

1. You leave a different person. 

I feel like post-EFY depression is very real. It's hard to come from consistently feeling the happiness of the Gospel for 5 days and then going back to "real-life" as I like to call it. However, it's all necessary, and part of the whole experience. I can't wait to apply what I've learned and become a better person. Thanks EFY. It's been real. 

~Mostly Marissa~ 

And just some pictures because that's how I roll...

Jakes all day er' day! Or at least the first two nights. Thanks T-Kitty. 

Look at this babe. Just too adorable. Kari's hot stuff too. 

Running away after I made her go tickle Josh's feet. 

She's a brave soul. *Hunger Games salute* Her dad's feet are smelly.

Pre EFY shenanigans. 

OooOooOOOoooo EFY. (Day one of the challenge)
I heart these girls. West Haven-ites unite!

Some of my group of girls! Love. 

Here's some of the compannnyyyyyy.

Hey look. You can't even handle all the Asian. Ft. Chris and Tanner

We is kewl.

Facetiming the family isn't ever really norm. 
This was Cody's one job. However, I do heart miss Kylie. She's basically the greatest. Follow her awesome Instagram page @standing_forever_in_holyplaces 
Mother of all air fresheners. I saw this in the parking lot of Betos. 

Betoooossss. Kelci tested, Chris approved.

Hehehehehehehe I forgot I put that in Tanner's handbook. 

Our sick Slytherin banner for the game show. 

Look how awesome these humans are. 

Our boyz. 

Kenna is just the cutest. 

Just some selfie prep for the variety show. 

Word. I was laughing after trying to grab Billy's water bottle. 

Kelci had to test out the selfie stick waters. 

When we were trapped in our room so the guys could secretly make the video for us. 

This freaked me out a bit. 

Some of my favorite thugs. 

Selfie stickin'.

I heart these crazy gals.
These girls. Excuse my extreme awkwardness. "You're too tall to be in front" has never been told to me...however, I don't mind. 

Just some ballet with Billy. 

Our boyz. 

"Grab the bicep!"

Oh man Mal. (Or Mal Mann. ;)) I absolutely adore this girl. I'm so glad we were able to be in the same group and get to know each other better! Senior-and junior- year here we come! 

These gorgeous ladies are just fantastic. 

Noelle, Noelle! I looooovvvee Noelle! 

Just seeing who will catch on with our selfiin'. Look at them selfieceptions!

Meet Idaho. A.k.a. Braden with an E. 

Oh miss Megan. I'm glad she goes to smelly old Weber so I can see her at games! 

Savaaaannnaaaahhhh!!! Why must you live in Texas?!

My Asian persuasion squad. They weren't in my company, but just as equally as awesome.
Post EFY shenanigans. 

We is kewl. PC: Mal

Because it was weird not seeing each other within a 16 hour span, we templed it up! 

Last minute movie going. And by last minute, I mean last minute. Like Marissa has 10 minutes to look somewhat presentable. But meh. All worth it! Inside Out was most certainly worth it. It hits you right in them feels. I even shed a whole tear. 

Have a great week friends! God is good. Life is good.