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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lost in Translation.

Friends, I think I've found it. I think I've found the key and source to all unhappiness that has ever existed on this beautiful thing we all earth. Want to know what it is? It's all affiliated with this in one form or another I FIRMLY believe it. *Drumroll...*

UNGRATITUDE. Yup. I'm not sure if that's really even a legitimate word, but I feel strongly that that is the sole reason. Ungrateful. Ungrateful for EVERYTHING our loving Heavenly Father has given us. This gorgeous place He has given us to live, the people we are lucky to share this world with, right down to the oh so good taste of chocolate. But we forget. We want more. We look for more.


More than this Plan of Happiness that our Father has given us to someday return to him. We want more than every blessing He has ever given us for doing the right (and wrong) thing. We even want more than what our brother, Jesus Christ suffered in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for.

Instead we feel as though we know the path that our Heavenly Father should put us on. One with blissful, temptation and trial stripped lives. Paths that we think we are born to be even a gender that isn't what we were destined to be or given. Paths that even lead to taken away a life that wasn't ours to take from the start. We feel as though we can almost erase the entire Plan of Happiness that our Heavenly Father has set forth for us to succeed tremendously on. But we can't. Because even if we want "more," it may in turn become "less" because of the choices we made to make it such a way.

Lost in Translation.

Now I'm not trying to be super vague, or even say I'm not part of this. Because honestly, I'm one of the most ungrateful people I know! I see all of the things I am blessed with, but I want more. I'm ungrateful for the things I have been blessed with. But it's something I want to change.

It's time friends, come join me in truly becoming grateful for what the Lord has given us. We can surely eliminate some temptation and utter trial by just showing gratitude to our Heavenly Father.

Let's not get lost in translation of the blessings that we already have.

~Mostly Marissa~

Join me in studying this talk this week by our beloved latter-day prophet, Thomas S. Monson! 

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