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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Love (and sarcasm) is Spoken Here.

How was your day?

Oh one of the most dreaded questions on the face of the planet. Most days I just want to throw down my backpack, stuff my face with food, and not do a darn thing before bedtime. But then the question comes..."How as your day?" 

I'll start off by posting these before I might die...

My day. 

I have learned to love those words that my parents ask when I get home. "How was your day?" can tend to turn into crazy ridiculous stories, advice through trial, crazy weird laughs over a whole lot of nothing, and a better relationship with my parents. 


I'm still a dramatic teenager friends, so this isn't a story on how my life is perfect now that I have a great relationship with my parents. We still are all stubborn and have our own opinions and minds, but I don't doubt that I've learned more and become more aware of life situations and solutions by taking the step to work towards a better friendship with these crazies. 

Third wheeling.

About a year ago, Andrew left on his mission and I was left to be the only kid home--hardcore third wheeling it as I like to call it. It was hard. And people laugh and tease me all the time, but at that time for those few months, I felt alone. But you can read about that here. And it was hard to put into words, because in all reality, I wasn't really alone. But I felt like it. A lot of that I had to put on myself, because I had two of the greatest humans in the world right by my side and I wasn't realizing it because I was only thinking of myself. But things are different now.

The Change.

I'll be honest, that change factor didn't come easily. Everywhere in the media it basically shows that parents really don't know what they're talking about and can easily be deceived. BOY ARE THEY WRONG. Hahah, friends even when you think you're parents don't know, THEY KNOW. And believe it or not, they know what it's like to go through what you are right now, (even if they don't get some of the "hip" words and really try to--thanks mom for that.) and if they don't understand the situation in it's entirety, they'll try their darn best to. You've just got to give them the chance.

Love (and sarcasm) is Spoken Here. 

In my home, there's a lot of sarcasm, love, laughter, and crazy. And that's the way I like it. I don't think there's a perfect family, I know there isn't a perfect family. I'm mighty grateful for the one I have and the father and mother that guide us. But I know there's always a situation that's difficult. Maybe you don't have the kind of home life you would like. Maybe you live in a single parent home. Maybe you don't even live with your parents. But of one thing I'm sure; You have a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother that are so aware of you and love you. They want the best for you and know what you might be going through is far from easy. But they know you can handle it. You are their child and have made it through some great and hard things. Do you know that they love you? You better know you have parents who love you, and that you're far from a mistake. I'm grateful for eternity and being able to spend it with the craziest, most wise, best random party dancing, people I know. Make the best of what you have, do what your Heavenly Father asks, and everything will work out in the end. You are doing better than you think you are.

Mostly Marissa

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