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Saturday, September 19, 2015

What the Sabbath CAN Do For You.

First, I ask that you take a minute to watch this video--that is less than a minute long.

*Try clicking this if the video above doesn't work.

Oh man. Sundays. Aren't they the greatest? They're called the day of rest aren't they? Here are 5 ways to get the most out of your Sabbath, at least from what I've experienced and tested!

1. Go to bed BEFORE Midnight.

That's right. It's super difficult. You want to get all your final "weekend party" in before the dreaded Monday comes. Been there, done that! I seriously thought my parents were crazy when they told me I needed to be in bed before midnight. "Like really? I'm a teenager--almost adult. That 'knows' everything!" But when you go to bed before midnight, your Sunday means a lot more. You are more awake, and ready to listen to what the Lord is trying to tell you. Many will laugh at me for saying this, but this is coming from a gal who's prayers have been answered in those sacred meetings. All because she put forth the effort to make it a priority. Along with going to bed before midnight, is also waking up on time--it's a struggle! But entirely worth it. (And you 1:00 church goers, make sure you aren't sleeping your day away!)

2. Be Ready for Questions to be Answered!

Something great about the Lord's plan is that He ALWAYS answers our questions. Not always on our timing, but He answers them! But we also have to do our part--be ready and worthy to receive those answers. Sacrament meeting over the past 17 years have not always been hunky dory. They can prove to be strenuous and long to sit through, even for a teenager at times! But here are a couple of things that you can do to get the most out of it:

Print off a talk beforehand.
You don't necessarily have to just print it out, but it helps me to have a hardcopy that I can highlight and write notes on. I'm just old-fashioned in that aspect! Click the link herehere, and here for a few of my favorite talks.

Bring your HARDCOPY scriptures.
I'm not hating on the new and improved world we live in, but it brings a different aspect when you bring the scriptures you will bring on your mission, have brought on your mission, or even ones that won't allow you to access other sites while we have the sacrament. 

3. Thou Shalt Not Disturb.

If there were to be an 11th Commandment, I feel like it would be "Thou Shalt Not Disturb". Especially in this day and age it's pretty easy to access anything at the touch of a finger. Another thing I've learned is to turn your phone on either "do not disturb", or "airplane mode". For all your meetings! It's extremely easy to access social media and not listen to the things we should, but the Lord has given us a day to remember Him and do His work. We can take a few hours off of our beloved technology and given Him our time after all He has given us.

4. Go Beyond.

My friends, the Sabbath goes far past the few hours we spend at church. It's a day of respect and worship. It's a day for family, (in the right Sunday activities) a day to remember all that we have, and especially a day to work towards what we will do to become a better person for the next week. So when you get home from church, keep that spirit there for the rest of the day, and aim for the rest of the week. I promise it will make a difference. Here's a few things that I have learned to help me keep the focus:

Don't do homework on Sundays!
Oh the struggle! Especially getting a work overload, it's difficult to take off even one day of not doing homework. But I have seen a huge difference of taking the time to put the Lord first and even if it means missing some friend time, or going to bed a little later on a Friday night, it was all well worth it when my relationship has been better with my Savior and Redeemer. 

Try some Personal Progress or Duty to God.
Just do it.

Watch only Sunday-Appropriate movies.
Now I can't really make a literal list of all of them, but I feel like we all have a good conscience as far as judgement goes on this. If it's questionable, don't watch it! Haha if all else fails, watch those cheesy Mormon movies. You know what I'm talking about!

Listen to the right kind of music. 
I like to call it my "Sunday music detox". I like more chill music as it already is, but there's something about church music that helps me think through situations and think more clearly. It helps! EFY music is a definite top of the list! I'd be happy to share some of mine! 

5. Take It and Do Something With It! 

Like Shiloh LaBeouf would say, "Just...DO IT!" It takes a lot of work and effort on our part, and I assure you I am far from perfect--especially on this topic, but I have seen the difference and impact it's made on my life. I promise it's something you won't ever regret. Oh how I've learned to love Sundays.  

~Mostly Marissa~

Here's a few things the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has suggested:

Especially for families with young children: Sunday Cans

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