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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Kennedy's HUGS: Something you cannot replace.

Looking back on this whole experience, I'm just a bystander really. I didn't personally know Kennedy Hansen by any means. But Kennedy really did show how one person can impact so many people. It's crazy. It's cool. It's inspiring. I love it. I love being part of the journey. Even if I was another person on the sidelines.

Kennedy Hansen was diagnosed last summer with Terminal Juvenile Batten Disease. I'm not sure if any of us really would realize the impact Kennedy had on all of us. WHAT AN AMAZING YOUNG WOMAN. I honestly cannot even fathom the impact she's had on so many. I love her for that. Kennedy has left an amazing legacy.

Her family is simply amazing, faithful people. Again, I don't know them personally but they have inspired me to be a better person everyday. They took a trial knowing what would soon happen, and made something of it. They made us all have more faith in the unseen.

I've gone to school with Kennedy and Anna. I've known Anna more than Kennedy and Anna is such an amazing girl. She wants to share her sisters story. She's so brave and always looking up. I'm sure this whole thing was not easy for her, but she handled it with grace. I love Anna! She's an upbeat, amazing girl and has so much potential! She is truly someone I look up to. I'm so lucky to have gotten to know her. 

When I heard Kennedy had passed, my heart sank. I was so sad. But I didn't cry. I thought that I would. Especially at her tribute last night. But I came to a realization that I didn't because I knew she's happy up in heaven. She's no longer suffering, she's happy. She's giving hugs. I'm going to see her again. 

Kennedy's Legacy lives. It's quite remarkable how much she's impacted us all. It's countless to see how many people have changed their profile picture to Kennedy's HUGS green bracelet. Even more countless is the number of people who have posted about Kennedy and how she has changed them. That's truly spreading the Light of Christ in us all. 

Now onto the title of this post; last year at sophomore registration I remember waiting for one of my friends. Then I saw Kennedy. I had heard about her getting diagnosed, and then her and her mom and sister were walking towards me. I was nervous but said; "Hi Anna and Kennedy." Then it happened. Kennedy gave me a hug. My nervousness was all gone and I felt enveloped in what felt like heaven. That was an experience I will never forget. I'm quite positive that Kennedy didn't even know who I was. But she didn't care. 

She still shows love to strangers I'm sure up in heaven. Spreading love to ones who need it or need comfort. Giving love and hugs.

~Kennedy's HUGS is surely something you cannot replace. Kennedy made life Full of Smiles through the trials she faced. Kennedy makes us all want to be better and live life without complaint. She wants us to live life Full of Smiles and Hugs.~

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wrestling a Boulder.

My family has been in town this week which has been pretty stinkin awesome. It's nice to have everyone home and be together. That being said they come to church with us. Meaning my nephews come to church. Meaning church is crazy and fun! I helped out taking the twins out during sacrament because as Jake would say it; they were being "stink pots".

I love Sam and Luke. They make me love being an auntie even more so. They are so cute...but they're solid, chubby boys. One move from them and you're going down most likely. It's crazy stuff. It's basically like wrestling a boulder.

Weird analogy I know. But today I couldn't help but think how we in our lives can be wrestling boulders. It's a load we will carry but it can be hard at times. It's rough but we do it. We know it's worth it so we do wrestle it. But in the end who wins?

That's up to you. You can either set the boulder down and walk away or you can keep trying. A boulder can be a trial, temptation, or even something that makes you happy. We're all carrying our own imaginary boulders. But do you set yours down and walk away? Or do you keep carrying it because you know that even though it's hard now, it will be worth it in the end?

I know that if we all wrestle that boulder, then someday it'll be a small pebble, and we will win. We can get over the hard times.

Now I'm certainly not calling my nephews big or a burden by any means. Although I do believe in any situation we can make something of it. I admire all mothers and women. They are truly amazing to constantly go on each day and make something better of it. They know how to carry their boulders and not complain. I love that.

~I know life is Full of Smiles when we wrestle our boulder with faith. Life isn't easy, but it's sure worth that heavy load.~

Schools Out for Summer!


I'm so glad school is out! No homework for 3 months and I'm perfectly fine with that! The last day of school was perfect with the friends I love. It was awesome. Great way to start out summer!

Here's memories leading up to the last day:

This kid also graduated.

Took a selfie.

Love this girl. Best friends since kindergarten. 

Basically we didn't want to do independent reading (IR) in english...
Taking random selfies cause that's how I roll. 

Most of them didn't even notice...

Until now.

Got tackled by two kids...they're quite tough.

Made some faces with Carter...He looks like he wants to kill someone in their sleep.

Gave this crazy a bath... No idea where the blonde comes from. 
And some cray cray faces.


Because all of these pictures are equally weird and deserve to be posted. 


White people though. 

And Landon just appears ya know?

That would be the trademark thumbs up of Nolan. And that would be the face that Kitty (Tanner) makes 99.99999999% of the time. 

Just some random awesomeness. 

And again.

Taking selfies in our group crazy picture. 

We don't do normal. 

Impromptu lunch party. Love Britt's face. 

And some Mexican corn for ya. 

Kazia found the love of her life. 

We discovered long lost twins. 

Later that night selfie. I always figure someone will notice sooner or later. 

As in here. Chris is currently dying. 

In a box selfie. 

I actually have a video of me popping out of the box. Unfortunately, the blog doesn't like me and won't let me load it. Maybe someday. 

FIRST DAY OF SUMMER: With the fam. At Ikea. I figure if you lose your kid in that place, just have another one. Cause there's no way you're going to find them. It's like a blackhole. 

Got that auntie swag.


Uncle swageth. 

Took all the grandkids out on the swing for some auntie time. Here's Lukers.

And Mikemister.
Unfortunately Sam Bam wasn't much of a fan, so we didn't get a picture of him. And Kaz has to be so cute so it's basically hard to steal her away for auntie time. 

~Summer is going to be good I can feel it! I'm so excited to make it Full of Smiles!~

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Have Ye Inquired of the Lord?

For some the last week of school is a breeze. Not so much for this Asian. Trying to rush and maintain that 4.0 GPA doesn't come easy. Needless to say, math particularly doesn't like me. But that's ok. Because I'm not overly fond of it either. Although, I'm not going to lie, the movies in basically every class is pretty nice. Other than the fact that you only watch up to an hour and a half of each one.

It was a crazy week. I was stressed trying to get grades up, and other things rather nameless. I still read and prayed everyday but didn't really give it my all like I should. I knew in the back of my mind that something was missing. Thing was, I knew EXACTLY what it was. I wasn't inquiring of the Lord in every aspect of my life. He is in every aspect. In yours too. I firmly believe that everything we tell our best friends, friends, and family that's going on in our lives should ESPECIALLY be told to our creator and Lord. It's important to me and to him that I tell him what's going on in my life.

A lot of days I simply cannot wait to kneel down and pray to him. To tell him everything that's going on. Almost like a puzzle. I'm laying out the pieces and I need his help to help me put them in the right places. I can't wait to tell him what's going on because through it all, I KNOW that he's the only one who really truly knows what to do.

So tonight, during my scripture study, my mind had been everywhere but I knew it would help I came across 1 Nephi 15:8


That verse hit me. HARD. I believe Heavenly Father knew I needed to read that verse tonight. To remind me that that he's ALWAYS there. That I need him EVERYDAY 24/7. I need to tell him that I'm having a hard time and that I need help. That I need to look to him and ask. That I need to tell him every detail of the situation even if he sees it. THAT I NEED TO INQUIRE OF HIM.

I know for a fact that it's important that we inquire of the Lord in every aspect of our lives. We need to lay out the pieces so he can help us put the puzzle together.

~I know that when I inquire of the Lord, my life is Full of Smiles.~

Sunday, May 18, 2014

You Don't Have to be Down to Look Up.

A few weeks ago, my friend and I were teasing each other about... I can't really remember. But he said this to me; "You don't have to be down to look up." I hope it's okay with him that I'm using this well, because I am!

Life throws a lot of stuff at us that sometimes we can't expect. We may feel we are beaten down by it. Sometimes we feel like we can't stand up. But even in the greatest of times, we still need to look up to Christ and Heavenly Father to make sure we are following the path they want us to. It's important even in the best of times to still follow that path so we can be ready when we are tripped up. Life is good. Let's always look up.

~I know we don't have to be down to look up. We can always look up to Heavenly Father and Christ in every aspect of our life. That truly makes every trial Full of Smiles.~

I'm a Molly Mormon.

It's true. I'm proud to be a Molly Mormon. And I love being a Molly Mormon. Sure I've been made fun of multiple times to stand up for what I know to be true, but honestly I don't care. I have high standards and I'm never going to apologize for that.

Here's what our session director told us at EFY told us a couple of years back:

Molly Mormon:
-Always Nice

Now I know I don't always follow all of those perfectly. I'm not perfect. But I'm trying to be. Here's for the guys:

Peter Priesthood:
-Respectful to girls
-Honors Priesthood
-Good Nature
-Loves parents

He also said:
-We need the "real deal" be the "real deal".

~I'm not afraid to say that I'm a Molly Mormon, I'm sure you even can say you're a Molly Mormon or Peter Priesthood. Be proud of it. Show it. Because it makes life Full of Smiles.~

Good Times are a Comin'.

This is the LAST week of school before SUMMER!!! So happy to be done! Here's a few things I'll be looking forward to:

-No school.
-Getting monies.
-No drama llamas.
-No math homework for 3 months.
-No homework in general for 3 months.
-Getting to sleep past 6:30.
-Spending time with family and friends.

~This is a recipe for a great summer! I can't wait. I know it'll be Full of Smiles.~

Because I Want That ETERNITY.

Eternity is a LONG time. But I know if I wait now and not do things I've been counseled to do such as steady dating that my life and waiting for my eternal companion is going to be that much easier. I want that eternity. I want to find that man who honors his priesthood, can take me to the temple, and make me happy. I want to make that covenant. But at the right time and right place. I know for a fact that the decisions we make now are big deciding factors of when and how that happens. I certainly don't want anything to take that away from me. I WANT THAT ETERNITY. I hope you do too. Because it is SO worth it.

My favorite temple! Cliche I know...
Taken by yours truly.

And again. 

Come to the temple dear sisters and claim your blessings. ~Linda S. Reeves

Oh my goodness I just love this sight of the temple!!

Come what may and love it. ~Joseph B. Wirthlin
I love this quote. Life isn't easy, but we can learn to love the trials we are given. 

Together FOREVER!

The promise of Eternity. 

So. Gorgeous. 

There are so many temples to choose from. But we need to make it top priority to be able to make it there with our eternal companion.

~I know that I keep in my mind that I want an eternity with the ones I love, that NOTHING is going to take priority over that. That makes life and eternity Full of Smiles.~