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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Because I Want That ETERNITY.

Eternity is a LONG time. But I know if I wait now and not do things I've been counseled to do such as steady dating that my life and waiting for my eternal companion is going to be that much easier. I want that eternity. I want to find that man who honors his priesthood, can take me to the temple, and make me happy. I want to make that covenant. But at the right time and right place. I know for a fact that the decisions we make now are big deciding factors of when and how that happens. I certainly don't want anything to take that away from me. I WANT THAT ETERNITY. I hope you do too. Because it is SO worth it.

My favorite temple! Cliche I know...
Taken by yours truly.

And again. 

Come to the temple dear sisters and claim your blessings. ~Linda S. Reeves

Oh my goodness I just love this sight of the temple!!

Come what may and love it. ~Joseph B. Wirthlin
I love this quote. Life isn't easy, but we can learn to love the trials we are given. 

Together FOREVER!

The promise of Eternity. 

So. Gorgeous. 

There are so many temples to choose from. But we need to make it top priority to be able to make it there with our eternal companion.

~I know that I keep in my mind that I want an eternity with the ones I love, that NOTHING is going to take priority over that. That makes life and eternity Full of Smiles.~

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