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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Schools Out for Summer!


I'm so glad school is out! No homework for 3 months and I'm perfectly fine with that! The last day of school was perfect with the friends I love. It was awesome. Great way to start out summer!

Here's memories leading up to the last day:

This kid also graduated.

Took a selfie.

Love this girl. Best friends since kindergarten. 

Basically we didn't want to do independent reading (IR) in english...
Taking random selfies cause that's how I roll. 

Most of them didn't even notice...

Until now.

Got tackled by two kids...they're quite tough.

Made some faces with Carter...He looks like he wants to kill someone in their sleep.

Gave this crazy a bath... No idea where the blonde comes from. 
And some cray cray faces.


Because all of these pictures are equally weird and deserve to be posted. 


White people though. 

And Landon just appears ya know?

That would be the trademark thumbs up of Nolan. And that would be the face that Kitty (Tanner) makes 99.99999999% of the time. 

Just some random awesomeness. 

And again.

Taking selfies in our group crazy picture. 

We don't do normal. 

Impromptu lunch party. Love Britt's face. 

And some Mexican corn for ya. 

Kazia found the love of her life. 

We discovered long lost twins. 

Later that night selfie. I always figure someone will notice sooner or later. 

As in here. Chris is currently dying. 

In a box selfie. 

I actually have a video of me popping out of the box. Unfortunately, the blog doesn't like me and won't let me load it. Maybe someday. 

FIRST DAY OF SUMMER: With the fam. At Ikea. I figure if you lose your kid in that place, just have another one. Cause there's no way you're going to find them. It's like a blackhole. 

Got that auntie swag.


Uncle swageth. 

Took all the grandkids out on the swing for some auntie time. Here's Lukers.

And Mikemister.
Unfortunately Sam Bam wasn't much of a fan, so we didn't get a picture of him. And Kaz has to be so cute so it's basically hard to steal her away for auntie time. 

~Summer is going to be good I can feel it! I'm so excited to make it Full of Smiles!~

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