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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Kennedy's HUGS: Something you cannot replace.

Looking back on this whole experience, I'm just a bystander really. I didn't personally know Kennedy Hansen by any means. But Kennedy really did show how one person can impact so many people. It's crazy. It's cool. It's inspiring. I love it. I love being part of the journey. Even if I was another person on the sidelines.

Kennedy Hansen was diagnosed last summer with Terminal Juvenile Batten Disease. I'm not sure if any of us really would realize the impact Kennedy had on all of us. WHAT AN AMAZING YOUNG WOMAN. I honestly cannot even fathom the impact she's had on so many. I love her for that. Kennedy has left an amazing legacy.

Her family is simply amazing, faithful people. Again, I don't know them personally but they have inspired me to be a better person everyday. They took a trial knowing what would soon happen, and made something of it. They made us all have more faith in the unseen.

I've gone to school with Kennedy and Anna. I've known Anna more than Kennedy and Anna is such an amazing girl. She wants to share her sisters story. She's so brave and always looking up. I'm sure this whole thing was not easy for her, but she handled it with grace. I love Anna! She's an upbeat, amazing girl and has so much potential! She is truly someone I look up to. I'm so lucky to have gotten to know her. 

When I heard Kennedy had passed, my heart sank. I was so sad. But I didn't cry. I thought that I would. Especially at her tribute last night. But I came to a realization that I didn't because I knew she's happy up in heaven. She's no longer suffering, she's happy. She's giving hugs. I'm going to see her again. 

Kennedy's Legacy lives. It's quite remarkable how much she's impacted us all. It's countless to see how many people have changed their profile picture to Kennedy's HUGS green bracelet. Even more countless is the number of people who have posted about Kennedy and how she has changed them. That's truly spreading the Light of Christ in us all. 

Now onto the title of this post; last year at sophomore registration I remember waiting for one of my friends. Then I saw Kennedy. I had heard about her getting diagnosed, and then her and her mom and sister were walking towards me. I was nervous but said; "Hi Anna and Kennedy." Then it happened. Kennedy gave me a hug. My nervousness was all gone and I felt enveloped in what felt like heaven. That was an experience I will never forget. I'm quite positive that Kennedy didn't even know who I was. But she didn't care. 

She still shows love to strangers I'm sure up in heaven. Spreading love to ones who need it or need comfort. Giving love and hugs.

~Kennedy's HUGS is surely something you cannot replace. Kennedy made life Full of Smiles through the trials she faced. Kennedy makes us all want to be better and live life without complaint. She wants us to live life Full of Smiles and Hugs.~

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