About Me

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Thank You Cards.

There's a segment that Jimmy Fallon does on his talk show writing thank you cards to anything and quite possibly everything. So here's my attempt at it!

Thank you Pinterest for helping me feel like I'm still doing something, but really I'm just looking at funny pictures.

Thank you Jack Johnson for making all your songs sound exactly the same so I know when to skip them on Pandora.

Thank you food for being there for me when I'm stressed, happy, or sad. You da real MVP.

Thank you past janitor life for giving me some crazy stories and new janitor friends. Also for helping me drive my friends nuts because "there's nothing fun about being a janitor". Here's to another summer of cleaning, laughs, and crazy people!

Thank you Micah for making me a very happy auntie with your shenanigans as well as asking "why" for everything under the moon. I live in my house because I live in my house. And I'm not telling you why nana is my mom.

Thank you Kazia for always being happy to see me and even happier when I have food.

Thank you Sam for being a crazy little fat boy and making me laugh with your silly selfie faces.

Thank you Luke for having the cutest laugh ever and looking at me weird when I have a spontaneous dance parties.

Thank you soon-to-be baby girl Barnes for making your dad, Ben very happy and also for making him not so baby hungry and because I know you're already gorgeous.

Thank you naps for being there when I'm a cranky pants and quite possibly don't want to be around myself. You're basically the best.

Thank you Jerry Jin, not many people know who you are, and we don't even know you're real name but you were the darn best bus driver ever. You're right, that bus did smell like tiger bum. And I forgive you for not letting Tinkles and I on your bus that one day.

Thank you emojis for expressing perfectly how I feel in a sendable face.

Thank you brothers for always being there for me. And being the stinkieset people I know. And making me smell your armpits so I can watch TV when you babysit--not really. *Cough* Ben *cough cough*. And for marrying-and soon to be marrying- the best sisters in law EVER. You guys done did good. I don't know how you guys got so lucky.

Thank you sisters for being the most beautiful people I know inside and out. And for marrying my crazy brothers and finishing raising them for eternity. And doing a stellar job at raising my nieces and nephews. I love you guys!

Thank you mom and dad for being there when I've been a cranky pants and still putting up with me. And for paying for basically everything from the moment I was born. And having the best daughter ever, and stop having kids when you finally got what you want. ;) You guys are such an amazing example to me! I LOVE YOU!!!

Thank you friends for telling me straight up when I need an attitude change, always being there for me, letting us have endless laughs and inside jokes, have squad nights every week, always being down for food, and supporting me in all I do. I luff you guys. I don't know what I'd do without my white friends.

Thank you my Savior and Redeemer for suffering for my sins and everyones in knowing I may not always be entirely grateful for it or deserve it. For being literally and truly a perfect example and not EVER complaining or speaking ill-will of others.

Thank you my Heavenly Father for always being there for me when I surely don't deserve your grace. Thank you for putting me through this test of life so that someday I may return to you.

Thank you Plan of Happiness and Salvation for allowing to see my grandma Linda, grandpa Leroy, and other loved ones someday. You have eased many burdens.

THANK YOU  blog readers!!! I can't even say it enough. Thanks for helping me find my passion. Although numbers can be down sometimes, every person that reads and continues to read this really does make my day and it is re-edified when someone asks if there is a blog post that day or thanks me for blogging. YOU are the real MVP.

~Mostly Marissa~

I heart this. 

Hey look, I'm related to Brigham Young. Someday I may be accepted to the school named after him! Check out this link to see who you are related to! If you're a Fremont student, join the Fremont High group!
Group name: Fremont HS 2015
Password: silverwolves

Look at this babe with her temporary tattoo. Best 50 cents I'd ever spent...well until I give her the ducky necklace. 

This kid's sass makes me laugh. 

Oh Andrew. How I miss his annoying, yet quirky attitude. 

Senior appreciation dinner went mighty swell.

I have the best young women. No doubt about that!

One time we were rebellious and teeter tottered at Country Corner. I aint about that thug life.

These two fatties turned two and basically I heart them forever and ever. 

I love jogs for the reason that West Haven is completely gorgeous...and I manage to almost trip every time.
When we plan to go get dinner but instead just go in on buying a loaf of sourdough bread is just how the squad works. And I love it. 

Selfie by Greer. My hair looks red...I know what I'm never coloring my hair. 

Half date but not. That's how we roll. Also, see that camera strap around me? That's basically my life sometimes. Pictures, pictures, pictures for Paw Print. But I love it. 

Putting my new selfie stick to work. 



Parks are fun.

One Acts day two! So worth it. Hilariousness and these gals make for a great night. 

Ohhhhh Chris. 

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