About Me

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Not the Same.

It's a crazy thing. Blog posts come to me almost consistently throughout the week. I go through a range of thoughts:
-"I need to blog this week. What about?"
-"Oooh this would be good. This would be funny."
-"I can't do that because I don't want to offend someone."
-"I've been blessed in this way this week."
-"I've already done a blog post on that dang it!--I don't care I'm doing it again."
-"Hallelujah thank you Pinterest for that inspiring thought."

I love blogging. It gives me an outlet and an opportunity to share my view on life. It's even more interesting to see how this blog has changed from the very first post. I look forward to blogging each Saturday night and on very rare occasions, I don't. Those weeks are harder. I can say I've found my nitch in what I enjoy to do. :) Now don't think I'm crazy. There is a point to this.


As humans, we are put through trials and moments where it seems impossible to endure. We ask "Why would you put me through this Lord? I am doing what I should, and doing what you want me to do so why are you seemingly punishing me?"

My friends, we are not being punished. We are being made a stronger, better people. Our God loves us and that is why he is putting us through things we know we can go through but in the moment it seems difficult to breathe. But don't worry, our Heavenly Father knows EXACTLY what he is doing.

Thank You Trials. 

And I think one of the best things about those trials, is that we are NOT the same. Thankfully, I can say I am not the same person I was in 6th grade. Thank goodness for puberty, but also thank goodness for trials!

Last year, my history teacher mentioned to us how much she hated when people said "never change" in yearbooks. "Always change!" She said. We need to always change and become a changed person than we were the day before. That's a new goal of mine.

Like President Gordon B. Hinkley said:
"Try a little harder, to be a little better." 

That's Ok. 

I'll be completely honest, when I first saw this on Pinterest I thought "stinkin hormonal girls have too much time to think about love and lame boys." But upon my overthinking mind, it became to be something more. Life is NOT planned by the way WE think it should happen. And thank goodness for that! Luckily our Heavenly Father is in charge and HE knows what he doing for our benefit and future. 

Not the Same. 

I'm so glad to say I am not the same person. Not the same person I was a year ago, not the same person from a month ago, not the same person I was yesterday. But I'm trying to make that a better person, because we all slip up in this mess we call life. But it's glorious.

~Mostly Marissa~

Can we just take a moment to admire how FREAKING cute my nieces and nephews are? 

Mike "helped" me fold some laundry. That stuff on the floor, and those fancy gym shorts of mine that she hung up. She did it all. 

Little studly Sam with his glasses! 

I just throughly enjoy this picture because of how much Sammy K looks like he just got himself some Botox done. 

Easter egg hunt!!--A week late. But they don't care. They get candy. 

Luke became so focused on opening and closing the eggs!

Nom nom.

Kaz loves food about as much as I do. 

This girl. I heart her, and she's just like my annoying little sister at the same time. 

Looky, looky who decided she could climb up on the bike by herself. 

For all ya Spanish speakers!

Some of my Young Women. They're preeeeetty great. :)
I'd say that Kaz and Mike are pretty well accustomed to Uncle Adam.   

Oh how I love beautiful West Haven. Cows, fields, crazy gorgeous mountains. All of it. 

Just a good reminder. :)

I seriously love this girl. She's the best! ALWAYS happy and ALWAYS positive. I don't know how one can be so great, but my Shae Bae does it!

Mooooorrrrppp! Everyone was prepping in this one. 

Well hello Jackie Chan. I can see your eye!!

Best car group there ever be. 

We may or may not have freaked out about this teeter totter. #awkwardteetertotterpose

The guys were so great to always be taking pictures for us...basically after we made them. 
FIRST SELFIE WITH MY NEW SELFIE STICK!! Shoutout to my dad for getting it for me in Taiwan...even if you didn't take me back with you! But really though, our group was seriously the greatest. 
After party at Shae's!

Have I mentioned how much I love my Shae Bae?

Thanks Lucy--Tanner--for being such a great date. Thanks for making me laugh and putting up with my terrible skills of swing dancing. Also for holding my racccoon ears when they kept falling off. Annd coming up with our costumes. Groot and Rocket were on point. And for fixing my selfie stick when I had it for less than 5 minutes. You da real MVP. 

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