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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Didneyland!--Tour 2015

It's about time I remembered this fantastic trip. It was so great. I can't even narrow all of the crazy happiness down. It was great. Bottom line.

Basically I was able to go on tour with the Band/Choir as a journalist. It was preettty great. I love reporting on fun trips like these!

So I suppose like most things, I'll narrow this down into pictures. Because for this Asian, that's the easiest way to attempt to describe it.


I heart these humans. 

Riverside city college roaming!

The all the guys faces in this picture are just I can't even. 

The only time I really thought about Chemistry the entire trip! :)

Such a pretty view!

First prank of many! 

I heart my Shae Bae. And Alex is pretty cool too. #gopherface
Annd yet again. This is after we were all obese from the buffet!

Took about 7,890,962 tries, but I finally got a decent picture of the Hollywood sign!

This is basically my favorite picture of all time.

It comes close with this one!

Hollywood Boulevard yo.

I looovvvee Billy Joel! Such a great musician. If I worshipped idols, he'd probably be one. And if this were the only star we got to see, I ain't even mad. 

AHHHHHH!!! It was as fantastic as one would expect it to be. 

I love these gals. Best roomies ever!

Pretty legit!


We were pretty ecstatic after seeing some mighty attractive males sing and dance for us. 
Disneyland knows whats up! 

The Backlot Hollywood the orchestra, band, and choir got to preform at! 

Disneyland day 1!

Side story: I was going to the restroom (okay just get past this part and I promise it's not as weird as it has begun to be.) and this is what went down:
Daughter: *points to No-Smoking sign* "Mom look at that!"
Mom: What is it? A womens restroom sign? Oh wait, shut up!

Kids know whats up. 

Just one of the attractive males from Newsies. This was a picture with Greer, but that's besides the point. ;) And he looked at me. WITH HIS EYES. (That's now an ongoing joke.--"He pointed at me. WITH HIS FINGER!!)

Astro blasterssss!

Street performers! 

The sick Innovations building. Pretty fun to explore with these fools. And may I say it was heaven sent that it was air conditioned! 

Sulfide with Iron Man!

An Andrew face, in honor of my studiedly brother Andrew.

Hehe "thy". Featuring a photo bomb from Zach!

One of the many reasons I love this gal. She does crazy weird and silly things with me.


Marching Band ROCKED IT for the parade! On point performance. 

Not bad seats at all. Right down the center of Main Street. Thank you journalism for letting us have this glorious opportunity. 

Soup bowls!!

Astro Blasters with this stud!
We were tuckered out. Here we are sitting by It's a Small World where I sung to Morg in different variations of the song. (Bass, Opera, Rap...)

Because we were exhausted at this point but not too much to spare a selfie.

We were throughly drained so it only seemed logical to lay on each others stomachs and play the laughing game. 

The bestie bae. 

Getting ready for them to perform in "Ghettoville" in Knottsberry Farm. Okay, it really wasn't called Ghettoville but it was super sketch.

Asian Tourist day! Too bad 90% of the people thought I was a worker. #fail
On the bright side however, there was a group of small Asian children with some supervising adults, and they were walking in a large group. I hopped down from the fence I was sitting on and started walking with them and NOBODY knew. It was great. 


I love these lovely ladies!

Yacht!!!! Yes we did party hardy. There were 3 decks and we may or may not have ran around the entire boat like small children from excitement.

That beautiful sunset. 

Laughing too hard from that Zach face.

And what would being on a boat be without a little Titanic? 

Our dinner table.

Boom baby. 

Bye bye boat selfie. 
Last night roommates selfie! Morg wouldn't move so we made proper adjustments.

Funny side story: Greer and I were sharing a bed and one of the nights she was moving in the bed so I turned to see what was happening and then I look over and she just snaps. No joke lifts her hand in the air and snaps her fingers. She rolls back over and goes to sleep. I didn't even question it until the next morning. 

Last day of Disneyland!!

That sass! *snap*

We met Jessie! And we were the FIRST in line. Score!

Booyah!! Lilo!

MU-FREAKING-LAN!! I was so happy when I saw her! Sure, I didn't get a real selfie with her, but this satisfied my soul.

Cars ride! I may or may not have flipped out when it actually started going fast. "MOTHER-FATHER!"

We loved those little shops. They were the best. 

And we met Goofy! Also first in line! 
Last selfie in Didneyland. :(


Noon they aren't twins!

Chrissy Chris playing in the playground!

Homeward bound!

Didneyland was a great adventure. From the nights of just 4 hours of sleep to Jerry Jin, Disneyland most certainly did not disappoint. 

*May we always remember my poor selfie stick that took a hit on this trip. Here's to you and the many more memories we could've had. You will be missed. * #Asianlyfeandstruggles

~Mostly Marissa~

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