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Sunday, March 29, 2015

I Prayed for This.

Sometimes in the moments of our most blissful of times, something just seems off or odd. I hate that feeling of uncertainty and not knowing the direction I should take. So the time comes when I have to bring it up with my Father in Heaven. He knows best. 


My dad has this quote on his desk that says: 

"After all is said and done, was there more said than done?"

It was surely something different when you realize more was said than done. And I hate that. I hate not knowing or doing what I could've or should've. I want to honor my Heavenly Father and his will, so indeed I think we need to listen to what he says! 

In the beginning, it's easy to stand up and say you will follow His will. 


It's hard in the moment of trial or test to see why or the reason that God would put us through something or why He would put it in the timing he did. The worst is that before you knew something was off and you prayed for strength and help. But when the moment comes, it's hard to fathom. 

The best part is though, that even the trial totally and completely blows, our Heavenly Father and Savior and Redeemer are right there beside us. They know, see, and understand every ache and pain and suffering we go through. We prayed for help and strength and answers, but like many things we cannot immediately know the Father's will for us. 


Welp! It's over. You survived the next stepping stone on your journey back to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. But it's not over really. We remember the things we went through and then we help others. We move on and remember that we were not alone in our moments of despair and will not leave others in theirs. We Prayed for This. 

~Mostly Marissa~

And now because I'm on my way back from DIDNEYLAND (yes I spelled it like that on purpose!) I will post some of the pictures that are already uploaded from this crazy adventure! 
(I went on our Band/Choir tour to Disneyland as a journalist--booyah!)

On our way!!

Sleepless in Barstow

Riverside City College

NEWSIES!!! It was as fabulous as one would expect.

Even if we had time to only see like one star, I'm so glad it was Billy Joel. That guy is like my idol. He da real MVP. 

Selfies at their finest.

One of the many, many attractive actors/singers/dancers from Newsies.

Disney knows whats up! ;)

Zaque, our little super star. #moodsofZaque 

Maybe I'll do a blog post about Didneyland someday. I have about a bajillion and one pictures. But the tour has been preeettttyyyy great. 

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