About Me

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Little Things.

It's crazy how the smallest of things can have the greatest of impact. A few of my favorite things are just the weirdest and oddest of things as well.

I love strange things, like words that just sound silly. Just try it. I have a little list in my head of weird words. Like taco, hufflepuff, scrumptious, and plenty of others.

One of the greater things that happened today was being able to go to the Lotus Park branch in our stake and see the chorister and how happy he was to fulfill his calling and share the gift of music. Or even Kenzie doing so great on her talk and being confident of herself and share her testimony without even writing it down.

Another little thing is the ability my mom has to sense when I've had a rough day. She talks me through it and holds me while I complain to her and sob because I'm a highschooler where life just isn't fair sometimes. She helps me see that we grow from our trials and how we handle them and that it's okay to be upset but we should make something better from the pain we feel. I love her.

But one of the greatest little things, was finding out for myself the power and impact that personal scripture study and prayer has in my life. I remember in ninth grade, I first attended seminary and the challenge was extended to study the scriptures and pray everyday. At first, it was more of a daily thing to just get it done and get the numbers up. But as time went on, I realized when I missed a day it made a big impact on me. I didn't want to miss anymore days and even the days where I couldn't completely understand what the words were saying, I realized that I didn't want to miss any days where I felt the feeling and inspiration that was there when I studied and prayed.

Sometimes the Little Things have the greatest impact in our lives, and it only takes one day and one step to start the greatest journey.

~Full of Smiles~

Just a few photos from this past week!

After Satan's Test a.k.a the ACT we had an Ebelskiver party (pancake balls) afterwards at my house. I love that the guys take charge when it comes to making food. First fry night, then this. They're great. 

We had New Beginnings! We didn't feel like making anything so we ordered cookies...well they sure look cute but they're basically Diabetus cookies. No really. Like sugar infested cookies that could give you a slight heart attack. 

Shopping with these weirdos. I swear they really were happy at one point. 

Does anybody remember those old water games where you push the buttons and try to get the rings to land on the stick things? Well my mom got Mike and Kaz each one, so naturally I had to steal it and play. Turns out, if you push the buttons super fast and hard you can get a lot of the rings on...just don't show Mike, then she just wants you to keep getting the rings on certain ones for approximately the next 5.3 hours. 

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