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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Trust Him.

This past week in seminary we were showed this video.

God knows exactly what he is doing. I can't even say it enough. And simply we have to be cut down so he can build us up again.

One of my favorite things to highlight in my scriptures is always something along the lines of "the will of God." Friends, it doesn't even matter what we think is best for us. God always knows. He has always known. And will always know. He's got our back on anything, but is also guiding us to the course we should take.

Now get on your knees and pour your heart out to him. You're good times, your bad, your silly mistakes. All of it. He's always there. He's always going to be there. And he's going to make you a better person if you let him.

Trust Him.

Now lets take a minute to appreciate my current jam. This song is fan-flippin-tastic! Also, this remix version by Alex Boyé is on point. Check it.


When you go to the mall for a SINGLE store...and it's out of business. Curse you.

Temple Tuesday! 

I love this weirdo. And yes I do realize my eyes look completely closed in this.

Because people amaze me. 

I didn't want to study for my test yet, so I pulled out my old yearbook. Nothing has changed with my friends. I love them still. 

"Hey! I'm back. HAFS (Have a fun summer) Yep that's right. 
-Bryan James Gittins"
I feel like he would still say this to me.

"Nolan Howes is sooooo nice :)"
I'm pretty sure this is when I was still convinced he was a French exchange student...long story. 

Oh Chris. Still sporting those stick figures.

I wasn't friends with Tanner much as this point, but I still feel like this explains our friendship somehow.

Aaaaannnnnddd selfie.

Post dance party thug lyfe. 

She got stuck and was crying...so I took a picture.

I now present to you the evolution of Kaz.

Happy baby...


Boom. Kaz grumpy face.

We both have the same Batman shirt. We both argue over who can wear it on Friday. We both wear it anyways. #realfriends

There's this tradition in the Barnes family; when a kid has a birthday all the others within a 20 year life span of the same age of the kid (sometimes even older) have to stand behind the birthday boy/girl for a picture during the candle blowing. So when there was the birthday party for Keith and Karen, we made the adults stand behind them. Oh how the tables have turned. #revengeissweet

Bae status. 

Betos for breakfast! I only gained approximately 10 pounds and had a small heart attack. But totally worth it. 

I just have the strangest things come up on my Pandora station. Basically the guy on the left looks entirely uncomfortable while the other is completely into the awkward position. 

FRY NIGHT WITH THE BESTIES!!! So fun. So fattening. Sooooo good. I love that we always include food with our parties. And I love even more that the boys are super excited about frying things.

Chris putting more filling in the deep fried Twinkie. 

Oh look, it's a dragon fly shaped onion ring(s). 

Great but looooonnngg week. So glad I had the family, friends, Savior and brother, and Heavenly Father I did to get through it all. Life is grand.

~Full of Smiles~

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