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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Speaking in Terms of the Unspoken.

Just last week, I was looking at the stats of this blog. Something I take pride in, to share the good news that joyful life can be attained in this dreary world! As I was looking at different sites that attract my different readers, some from as far as Germany, France, China, and Japan! (I get slightly giddy every time I see where you all come from!) Then I scrolled over to look where everyone finds this small blog on the World Wide Web. Facebook and Instagram are a staple site for traffic. However, I saw a site I have never heard of. "Cool!" I thought. "This blog is getting bigger!" I clicked on the site and there it was.

A Taboo Topic.

Pornography. Why is it such a topic that is taboo? Why is it that it is hidden and anyone and everyone is embarrassed to talk about it? It shouldn't be. It's part of Satan's tactics in this modern day of technology. The moment I saw it I felt sick to my stomach. I clicked out as fast as I could and shut my computer off and went and told my roommate. I hate pornography. I HATE IT. Satan upsets me entirely, but this tactic of his, angers me beyond words. But where does it start?

I believe it starts young. I couldn't tell you the first time I had actually seen pornography pop up on my computer. But with more and more access to mobile devices at such young ages, it's important to talk now with your children (or even brothers and sisters) the importance of pornography. It shouldn't be intimidating or telling them to be scared of it. Anything and everything is about action. This video is perfect for adults, to see that pornography isn't something to be scared of, it's part of this life and another thing that we need to face and say, "no I won't be involved." Don't be afraid to bring up the topic of pornography, if you don't who will to your children? This video is perfect to help lead you to some ideas on how to approach it.

It's NEVER too late.

If pornography has taken root in your life, it's never too late to start the process of taking it out of your life. It starts with the first step of a decision to not let it overtake your life, but it also takes every step after the decision you make to no longer let it have a place in your life. Here is a video to help you never cross the boundary that could lead to letting any mistake taking root in your life.

Not only can pornography be painful in times before marriage, but also in times after you have made a vow to one you love. Pornography can be addictive to anyone, male or female. Satan does not care if it distances you from reaching utter happiness and joy. This video is a part of the 12 Steps to Change that the LDS church provides for those with addictions. You can read more about my thoughts on that here. 

Don't forget to check out Fight the New Drug here. Pornography does kill love. It falsifies what love is, and makes it appear to be what it will never become. 

-President Thomas S. Monson

Oh Peabrain.

I've said it time and time again, Satan is a peabrain. He likes to think he has complete control of us, but in all reality he doesn't. Only if we allow him to have that control. Pornography is one of his tools to make us as unhappy as he is, but he is the king of unhappiness and one who will never feel true joy. 

Speaking in the Terms of the Unspoken.

So here I am, speaking in the terms of the unspoken. For those who are too scared to stand up against pornography. For those who have seen it on their social media accounts and are sick of it. For those who are too scared to pull the root out. For those who cannot and will not let Satan enter their lives. For those who are against pornography. I am speaking for you. It ends and it ends here.

Our Heavenly Father loves us too much to let us go through this life feeling alone and lost. Now is the time to talk about pornography. To talk about how Satan tries so hard to make us feel inadequate and to turn to something that can cause us lack of joy or happiness now. 

"God's love is there whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there."-President Thomas S. Monson

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