About Me

Sunday, June 7, 2015

2 Year-aversary.


Alright, you probably think I'm a lunatic, but there is reasoning behind all of this. It's the Two Year-Aversary of this blog. Pretty grand right? No? Well I think it's pretty great that it's stuck with me for this long. If you're feeling really crazy, you can look at my very first post here. It's very short, simple, and to the point. But that's just me. 

So now I'll go over a few little things about blog stuff that I've meant to do on separate posts, but it just never really seemed like the right time. Stay tuned friends!

Why I Blog. 

So, here I will share a few reasons why I blog--since I've meant to do a separate post about it, maybe someday I will!

-I love sharing all the good, bad, and ugly things that happen in my life. Life isn't always hunky dory, and I hope to never give off the vibe that my life is perfect by any means and that I don't make mistakes. Because I do! Everyone has good and bad days. It's best to share the good ones, but sometimes we need to share the bad ones too so we can move on with life.

-This is basically my journal. I'll be completely honest in saying that I hate writing in journals. Sure, I love going back years later and reading about who I used to be, but flip. Journals are too crazy for me. Plus I can easily share photos, and it's just fun to type rather than decipher my own handwriting.

-I can send these updates to my big brother, Andrew on his mission with these. I try to email him separately but it's easy to share photos this way with him. Technology is a nifty thing, I tell ya.

-But I think the number one reason I blog, is because I want others to know that they aren't alone. Life is a whirlwind of trials, temptation, happiness, sadness, laughs, and more. But I think in a world where technology is so evident, lets use it to uplift and inspire. We're not all alone in this test of life as we think we might be. We can reach out and help others with things they're facing, by showing them that we've also faced hard things and we're willing to kick Satan's butt when we show him that he can't bring us down. And this blog has kind of really been a blessing. Sure, I've received negative comments from people, but I've also received comments thanking me for blogging. So I won't stop anytime soon. I'll keep sharing my testimony of the gospel, and that I know there are brighter days ahead, more than we can even imagine. Because if just one person can feel better or feel that their Savior loves them, then I feel like it's all worth it. 

Blog Name Change.

Yeah, I changed the blog name. I'm not sure if anybody has really noticed, but I changed it a few months ago. It's actually been changed a few times I belive from the first time I've actually blogged. First it was "Full of Laughs" then I realized that's not what I wanted my whole blog to be about, then it was "Full of Smiles" and it kept bugging me that I felt like I was such a little, cheesy girl or something. So I changed it to "Mostly Marissa" is how it will be I hope for the next little bit! I've always liked clever blog names people have had, but so many are taken! So here I am incorporating my name into my blog. And I don't want it to be all about me, because really I feel like this blog isn't entirely mine. It's more of me sharing who I am and who I hope to become through the gospel of Christ. And I hope to share that with all I can.

Blogs I Yike. 

I love reading other blogs. It's so great to see others showing their love of life through something they're proud of. So here I'll share some of my favorites!--These are just off the top of my head, I read so many it's hard to keep up! And I hope these bloggers don't mind I'm sharing their blogs, they're basically just fabulous people.

Here is Stephanie Nielsons blog. She blogs Mondays-Fridays and I absolutely adore her. She was in a plane accident and 80% of her body was burned. Simply amazing, she turned around and decided to learn from it. You should also read her book about it. It's basically perfection in words. 

Here is cute Dani Krum's blog. She's a lifestyle blogger, and I love to read about her tips and tricks for various things. Her brother Matt, was in my high school and I saw him around school. It's great to see her perspective on life.

Here is Millie Lewis' blog. She went to high school with my older brother Jake and it's so fun to see her stories about her little family and how they are. Her kids are the cutest.

Here is Becca Schull's blog. I love Becca! Just having her in high school with me for sophomore and junior year, she's basically the best. And she's just straight up. She says it how it is, I love that!

Here is flippin Sydnee Peterson's blog. Basically Syd is the best person ever and a fantastic person. I love her so flippin much. This girl is prime. 

Here is Maggie Nelson's blog. She's my neighbor, and used to be my Young Women's leader! She's got the cutest little baby and always has the greatest projects she's working on!

Here is my dad's nature photography blog. I don't give him enough credit, but he's stellar with the camera. Even if I'm not as willing to listen to what he has to say sometimes, he's definitely a fantastic dad and I love him! Check out his photography. But really, he's great. I hope someday to be half the photographer he is! 

Here is the blog of the fabulous Whitney Reid. I went to EFY with Whit a few years back, and she has such a light about her. Always happy and positive and moving in the right direction with her life. Recently Whit was called to serve in Orlando Florida! She's going to be a stellar missionary I know it!

Well that's all the blogs I can think of at 1 in the morning, but someday I'll post links to all of ones I forgot to link to! I love reading other blogs. People are great.

As weird as it sounds, blogging has been a blessing to me. I'm so glad my dad and crazy brother wanted to start nature photography blogs, so I would get the crazy idea to try it out too. Blogs are great, 2 Year-aversary of blogs are greater, and God is the greatest. Love you friends, have a fabulous week. 

~Mostly Marissa

And what would a blog post be without pictures? 

I subbed teaching a yoga class at my work...never thought I would ever do that. Basically wung it the entire time and those kids and their crazy wiggles wanted to play the laughing game and ya know, just run around and dance to...not yoga music. But I promise we did do some yoga. I'll just never be a yoga teacher. 

Dancing shenanigans.

Alex, a.k.a. Sickay, is making a film to get into a college, so squad is helping him out. He's a great director, crazy, but a great director! We all can't wait to see what the final product is. 

Just had a thought for ya'll since ya know, they have those "smile you're on camera" things at stores and such. So be happy friends. 

The filming cast and crew for day one...I'm taking the picture. 

After filming we went to Sickay's only to play Apples to Apples. I found the Gingko Tree card. It seemed legit. 
Gingko Tree: it's like an Asian tree or something. That's basically all I got from it! 

We don't do that whole normal thing. 

I love my Moogan and Tinkles. 

Temple day with these crazies! David's first squad experience and Zach's first time baptizing! Notice how they're all squinting? That's called karma. 

Oh ya know, just mowing the grass in sweats and a sweatshirt because there's so many stinking mosquitos that I just got sick of all of it. 

Squad group texts always prove to be an adventure. Especially when Rachel wants to start a cat facts group text. So FACT: Meet Harry. He doesn't have much hair. 

And this is Ralph. Let's just say that I searched "ugly cats" and wasn't disappointed by any means. Sorry Rachel, I couldn't resist making so many jokes and then the whole group text turning into a war of ugly photos of squad mates. 

Back at that Janitor lyfe. I may or may not have missed it. Okay lets be real, I missed my crazy coworkers. 

Yucky black hand. Laziness becomes real when you don't want to retape your scraper. #janitorlyfeprobs

Lets just take a moment to thank this kid for taking me on a crazy date. We rocked the grocery store race, and I had a rad time. Plus this is the only picture I got and I feel pretty satisfied with it still. #Zaqueface

Hey look, it's my freaking adorable nephew.
I mean really, look at this kid kiss a cookie! Watch it, it'll make your heart happy. 

Filming crew for day two! 

We just pro. ;)

These two gals, never a dull moment. 

I told you he was a freaking adorable kid. 

Such a stud. He's going to be a heart breaker. 

I'm so conflicted. Just kidding. BYU is always the better choice. 

This kid went crazy over all the toy trucks at our Korean Family Reunion. 

Lukey was in love with the water...alright maybe not in love but tolerant of it. He still was a little waterbug though! I swear I love the kid just as much as Sam, I just don't have as many photos because the kid doesn't want to sit still for a cameo. 
Here's Sam the stud on the swing, enjoying life. I don't know how but the kid literally put himself on it like that and swung around for a few minutes. He doesn't look stabilized, but the kid really did stay!

Isn't that just the face of happy?

Lets just say I'm jealous of Jack's sweet cars. 

Papa and studly Sam. 

We got this picture about 5 minutes after Jake and Kendra left. The reunion tuckered them out. 

I can't even begin to describe my love for this picture. It's just too perfect. 

Rachel got the crew frosties! She's basically the best. They were so good you could drink them. (Or melted. Same diff.)

And yet again, Tanner gets whiskers. Kid gets himself into crazy shenanigans I tell ya. Friends wear soot on their face so their friends can make a movie so they can get into college. 

Well it's late...or rather very early. But life is good. Goodnight friends! 

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