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Saturday, May 16, 2015

One Time I Made Myself a Time Capsule.

One time in fourth grade Emily, Riley, and I decided to write letters to ourselves in the future. It was a grand idea actually. We timed it (or at least I did) to open it when we graduated. Well, my math calculations proved to be wrong and I wrote it for a year earlier--haha my math skills still aren't super great--There was just a terrible, awful, no good, very bad day this past week. (If I were to put it in the words of Alexander.) I was frustrated and short of patience, I had to look for something in my room and there it was. The letter was in an envelope there laying on my floor. Inside I knew I should probably wait until next year, but I disregard that portion of the voice in my head and opened it anyways. Boy am I glad I did.

Of course I had to post a selfie before and after I opened it...


The letter opens with the grade I was in, (4th) my teacher, about dance and meeting Big Buddha, my age, (10) my crush--oh gosh--, how I was writing a book--I should find that--, how I wish I had a sister, how I wanted my cartoons to get better, how I loved Hannah Montana--if I had known how that would turn out--, how I was "jelous" of my best friends Riley and Emily--luckily my spelling has taken a better turn than my math--, and Riley and Emily are still some of my best buddies--, how I loved animals, my favorite movie called Enchanted--little did I know it was probably because of the attractive prince man--, and finally that "I love myself."


That's something that is difficult to grasp. Especially that day. Nothing was going right it seemed, and I just wasn't happy with myself. My own self was just bothering the bee-jeepers out of me! Which is unfortunate because quite literally, we're always with ourselves.

[Click here to see a previous blog post of about learning to love yourself.]

I've always been a logical individual. If it's stupid, don't do it. If you don't like it, don't do it. Don't let others get in the way of your happiness. Love yourself. And I suppose as much as my fourth grade mind could grasp, I knew for one thing that I loved myself the way I was. Yes, I wasn't completely happy, but I knew (somehow) that someday I would need to know that I love myself. Underlined and all. Bottom line.

Will You Accept? 

So I extend a challenge. Write a letter to yourself. Tell of every little detail of yourself. All the silly things. Your hobbies, your friends, your crush--unless your married. Then that would be weird. Tell about your spouse!--Tell of a funny or great experience you had that day or days before. You'll want to remember. You'll want to hear from yourself. I promise it's worth it. That one phrase from yourself could quite literally help you one day. 

~Mostly Marissa~ 

 And because I want to share photos...

I love this stink pot. She makes me laugh endlessly. 

These two crazies are grand. 

You can't even handle all the Asian in this photo. 

After I took a selfie with my grandma, she wanted me to take pictures of her. Crazy grandma. 

That dark blur would be my fantastic brother. He's doing fantastic and 40 minutes was far too short. 

The evolution of my name according to Morg and Zach. It all started with "Marissca"--although haters might spell it like "Mariska.";)

And a grand old photo of Ben, Adam, Andrew, and I. I really dig Andrew's pirate eye patch. 

Don't mess with the Flo. 

Simply gorgeous. 

This stud killed it at his last concert for his junior year. 

Thanks again Maggie for taking this Laurel photo shoot for us! It turned out great! 

Oh how I love these gals. 

And there you be with this Asian. It's been a while since I've had nice pictures done. :) 

I love that this girl loves to go on walks and chat forever. It's always such a great time with my G-reer and she doesn't even judge me for dressing like a boy because I'm just too lazy. Golden friend right here. 
Oh and the last day of Brother Edwards seminary class with the seniors. *Tear, tear*
Here's a picture of Sid and Shae. 

I basically dig this photo with my Shae and sophomores. Thank you selfie stick. 

Sass squad.

Waiting for everyone to get in. Jesse's sass is just unbearable. 

These people are fabulous. 

Look at them good signatures. Spot the Asian's. 

And just because G-reer calls me "squints".

So some of Paw Print was in the closing assembly for "flashbacks", we quite literally had our 3 seconds of fame. In which we used the selfie stick. And yes we got many weird looks, but we owned it! 

Oh cute KayDee. She's going to be a fantastic Editor-in-Chief next year. 

Backstage selfie! I dig Brigham's thuggin look. 


And the product of our selfie on stage. It appears that stage lighting and selfie taking don't entirely go together. But this photo still looks pretty darn awesome. 

Boom baby. I'd like to thank the academy. And the band for letting me consistently bug them. 

Look at this mighty fine staff. What a great year. 

The first time--and quite possibly the last--Adam and I have taken a Starbucks selfie. It's hot cocoa. Stay Mormon my friends. 

Adam and I were having hot cocoa from the great fundraiser to support Katie Thompson who needs a bone marrow transplant. Click here to help Katie and her family out!

Have a fabulous week friends! T-minus ONE week left of school!!!

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