About Me

Sunday, May 10, 2015

100th POST!!!

I can't believe it. This is my 100th blog post. So, in honor of that I will tell you 100 things about me. Not in any particular order. Warning: I am very random. I jump all sorts of places in my thoughts. Get on my level. ;)

1. My name is Marissa.
2. I started this blog a few years ago because my dad and crazy brother were starting blogs to show off their nature photos. Here you can find my dad's very talented photos.
3. I love to blog. It's a good way to let me vent, and share my beliefs.
4. Of all things in life, I love to laugh. Laughing truly is the best medicine. That's why my family and friends are so great, they make me laugh endlessly.
5. I hate math.
6. I hate chemistry.
7. I enjoy writing for my school's newspaper. It's something I NEVER would have considered if my english teacher didn't suggest it to me. Here is our online edition. We basically rock.
8. I love to tease about being Asian. It's a part of me, and I'm not afraid by any means to point out that I am Asian.
9. I love my family with my entire being. Although I may not always show it, I love them so much. They are my rock and always there for me even when I'm a cranky pants.
10. I hate being a cranky pants.
11. My friends/squad are basically the best thing that has ever happened to me. We have weekly squad nights and that's the best thing ever.
12. I hate Satan. He's a poophead and doesn't even know what he's talking about. Don't listen to him friends.
13. I like to sing absurdly loud in my car.
14. I'm super bad at keeping my room clean. I clean it annually and within a week it's basically back to where it was before.
15. I love listening to my "churchy" stations on Pandora. It's calming and fantastic.
16. I love weird things. Just random things really. Like I'm about to get this absurdly weird phone case that I'm super excited about. I'm sure when it comes I'll post a photo.
17. My favorite color is blue.
18. I have 5 smelly brothers.
19. I have 0 sisters. Well I have 3 sisters-in-law, and one-to-be, but for 12 years I didn't have sisters.
20. I'm really good at tripping up the stairs.
21. I'm also really good at tripping on flat surfaces.
22. T-shirts are basically my life.
23. I have a surplus amount of photos on Instagram. It's a little worrisome.
24. I'm a fan of Pinterest. I mostly pin hilarious photos and Mormon quotes. That's how I roll.
25. I have learned to love myself the way I am. It hasn't always been that way, and surely won't be like that every moment of every day. But I'm happy of the person I'm becoming.
26. I someday hope to be able to serve a full-time mission. However, I don't want to fully say that quite yet, it's still part of the plan.
27. I adore being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I honestly don't know where I would be without it.
28. I'm a huge fan of any food made from a potato.
29. I also really love food.
30. For only one choir concert was I actually not on the front row--score!!
31. Sleep is my best friend.
32. I get in spurts of times where I'll just read a ton. But I have to really be into the book.
33. I'm super bad at keeping up on my homework.
34. I speak very little Spanish. It's a work in progress, but it's a fun language to attempt to learn!
35. I really like dances. But only if my crazy friends are there to be as equally or more crazy when we dance.
36. I like both Batman and Superman. I really can't choose.
37. Duck Dynasty is basically the best reality show ever. I hate when people diss it. Family values my friends!
38. I have seen some of the greatest examples in my life and someday hope to be like them.
39. My fingers are getting tired from typing.
40. Someday I would like to attend BYU.
41. I have this weird/secret obsession with foxes. They're just oddly cool.
42. I'm a super indecisive person. I hate making decisions.
43. I'm an Editor for my school newspaper next year. Basically excited.
44. I'm also a member of Seminary Council next year. Basically ecstatic.
45. I hate being cold when I sleep. It makes me grumpy.
46. Naps are my life. I don't know why I refused them as a foolish young child.
47. I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints with every fiber of my being. NOTHING makes me happier or more hopeful for the plans that lay ahead for me. I love it. I don't care who thinks I'm a Molly Mormon for showing that I am Mormon any chance I get.
48. I love my Savior and brother Jesus Christ. The moment I realized and gained a testimony of the Atonement, is the moment my life turned around and changed for the better. I realized that none of us are ever alone and never will be. I am forever indebted to him for the pains he suffered for me.
49. I love my Heavenly Father. Without him, I truly wouldn't be here. He is my Father. He is our Father. He loves us no matter what we do and can't wait for the day when we can return to him.
50. I'm happy with who I am. Because it makes me, well me! I encourage all of you to find your happy. I guess blogging is mine. :)

Alright, that's not 100 things about me, but that challenge I put myself up to is definitely hard! Thanks to all you avid readers of this blog. Or even you first timers. I appreciate it.

Have a great week friends.

~Mostly Marissa~

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