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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Everlasting Love.

I wrote this about a month ago on the flight to Taiwan, I was deep in thought...or rather deprived of sleep and in the middle of a 11 hour flight. However, here it is. And since it was Valentines today, I figured why not?

Here I am sitting on my flight to Taiwan to start this new adventure. For those of you who do not know, I am headed to Taiwan to attend the wedding of my dads coworker and boss, Cooper to his bride to be Ellie.

My dad has had the job to be toastmaster of this whole thing. As he is sitting typing his thoughts and feelings as to what he should say, I can't help but think of what I think of love and what someday I will think of it.

First off, yes I am a 17 year-old girl who probably doesn't have a clue about what love is at this point, but I know what I want someday. An Everlasting Love. A love that can last through this life and into the next into eternity. Forever. And to me, love isn't something off of a Hallmark Movie. It's not getting to know someone for a short time, having a testing moment in the relationship, working it out and then marriage soon after. It's far from that really.

Although, I have not gone through marriage or anything serious like that--hallelujah! I do know that something that you want to be forever is a lot of give and take. But mostly give. You have to learn to be very unselfish and give of yourself.

But an Everlasting Love is something I someday look forward to. Someday I'm going to find a man that will make me laugh when I sure as heck don't want to. He'll frustrate me and make me want to scream. He'll have a burning testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He'll be proud of it. He'll be a hard worker and not be afraid of it. I can't wait for that day. But for now, single life is just dandy for me. :)

For funzies. :)

EVERlasting Love.

But there's something I think we all need to realize. There is one person that will love us no matter the mistakes we make. Someone that truly shows EVERlasting love to us. 

That is our Savior, Redeemer, Advocate, Brother, Friend, Jesus Christ. He loved us all so much that he suffered for our sins and bled from every pore. I cannot and will not forget the love he showed for me. Our Savior loved us enough to pay the price WILLINGLY. And even then we can still make mistakes and still be forgiven by the dear gift of repentance. 

I refuse to forget the Everlasting Love that our Savior has portrayed to us everyday. Christ shows us love even when we are upset or angry, when we are struggling with where we need to go in our lives, when we push his love aside, but HE IS THERE. I can't say it enough. 

The Everlasting Love that my Savior shows towards me each and every day is the Everlasting Love I want to remember every minute of every day. That's my Valentine to you. See the Everlasting Love that's been there all along and will continue into the eternities. 

~Full of Smiles~

But behold, the Lord hath redeemed my soul from hell; I have beheld his glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love. 
2 Nephi 1:15

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