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Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Promise of Forever.

There's this picture of the Salt Lake City temple hanging in my family room that says "The Promise of Forever." If you think of it, promises are and can be made forever. How powerful is that? The temple doesn't just bring the promise of forever for those who are sealed in it for marriage, but those who go inside to do other ordinances as well.

This past week I've had the opportunity to go to the temple twice with my friends. Really they are the bestest. They are SO willingly to do a temple trip when I ask, even if it means waking up early! We were able to go on Tuesday before school, as well as Friday since we didn't have school. We seem to get lucky every time and come in right before a big rush of people who come in! Just Friday, we took in some family names and each were able to do about 10 or more. It was great. There's definitely a different spirit you get when doing names you have found, and those that are your progenitors. \

You hear so many say how grateful they are that we live in Utah and have so many temples accessible, and honestly I kind of just blew it off like "yeah we're in Mormon central what do you expect? We love our temples!" However, it is very different when you go for a few weeks to do those sacred ordinances and miss a week. The temple was right there for me to take advantage of, yet I blew it off because I didn't seem to be in the place where God would have me. Not anymore.

So shoutout to my cool "French" friend Nolan Howes for showing me this awesome scripture in the temple the other day:

D&C 76:22

And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

God is real my friends. He is so very real. He hears us. Our Savior and brother Jesus Christ suffered for our sins and died on the cross for us. And he is risen. He lives! He is real. He is there. And because of that I am blessed. We all are!

Now for some other things I am truly blessed with:

Going to see The Hobbit with these white ones!

Getting pictures from my bestie. 26 days!!!

Not finishing popcorn at the movies, so you send it home with Morgan for her siblings. Therefore, you buckle in the popcorn. For safety reasons. 

Getting the most strange music ever on your Pandora stations. I don't even know. 

Finding the funniest of pictures. And sending it to Chris and Tanner so you all can laugh. 

Getting a video of Kazia falling off Kari's lap right after Kari says, "Don't fall off Kaz".

Kaz doing your "hurrrr" (as Mike would say it) for you.
Seeing Tanner plug his ears while we talk about the Hobbit--he hasn't seen it yet.

It's great to see something so comforting when you have to get your flu shots. Also, who in the right mind sticks in needle in your arm? Not cool. Also, I think I got sick from it. Backfire. 

I can't odd. (I can't even because I'm not a white girl.)

*Bonus* #secretproject coming soon to you! Actually for the Young Women in my ward, but I really want to share because of how great it is coming along. Stay tuned!

Laurels activity night doing Family History! Found four names! Woot woot! Also, #nomakeupMarissa that's how I roll. 

I think I have found names to consider for my future children:

I post a picture similar to this a few weeks back. So I also had to do it. 

#BYUisthetruecrew #gocougs

The squad. No really, the Quad Squad.
Last day in Seminary. Tear, tear. They were the best. 

A blurry picture just for funzies.

And now a clear one. They are the seriously the bestest people ever! They have the best testimonies and are the coolest people. #celestialsecond
Cred: Brother Allred and Ashlyn Peterson

Kaz double binky swag. 

Finally I was able to put my feet on the ottoman. 

Just kidding it really looked like this. Short people problems. The struggle. It's real.

Tanner's awesome keychain. Hint: Plan of Salvation. 

The only picture I got from the game. Word. 

If you can read this, especially moms, dooooo it! I think this will be my explanation to my children someday. 

~I am so glad the temple has the Promise of Forever. I am so glad to be able to be closer to my Heavenly Father on this Earth and doing his work. That helps life be more Full of Smiles.~

*T-Minus 4 days to Taiwan my friends!*

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