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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Challenge Accepted.

This past week has been a crazy, fun, and totally stressful week! The other day I remembered the challenge extended to me from my EFY counselor to share my favorite scripture. I decided to extend that to some of my friends and a lot accepted the challenge! Here it is!

***I apologize for the low quality pictures I had taken them on my phone as I read these fabulous scriptures.

Ashlyn Peterson
Phillipians 4:13--Also my favorite scripture.
Psalms 13:1-2--I love how it talks of our Heavenly Father in such a way because he is our rock. He is my rock.

Caitlyn Arnold 
Isaiah 41:10--This reminded me of How Firm a Foundation, so I had to write it in.
Chris Redford 
2 Kings 2:23-24-- He showed me this a couple years ago at EFY. It's quite hilarious and I love Chris's sense of humor. I'm not surprised he sent in this one!
Morgan Chase 
Joshua 1:9--Sometimes it's hard to remember that God is with us in every moment of every day and that he still cares amidst our trials, but it's important we remember that he's always going to be there but we need to show that we need him to be. 
Whitney Wray
Alma 36:17-21
I remember reading this in seminary last year. God is going to lift us out of our misery, but we need to be willing to let him save us. 

Faith Perkins 
Helaman 5:12
Scripture Mastery! An amazing verse! "My God is a rock in a weary land."
Brooklyn Gorder 
D&C 10:5--I love prayer and being able to tell my father in heaven ANYTHING. Knowing he listens.
Joshua 1:9--Look up at Morgan Chase's for the verse and my thoughts. 
Nolan Howes
Moroni 10:32--LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this verse! It has been on my mind lately and I couldn't remember where it was! Thanks Nolan for sending it in! There is a change in your life I can assure anyone when you Come Unto Christ, your life is HAPPY. Life is better, not easier but better. 
Jacob 6:12--Enough said. 

Tristyn Fergunson
Psalms 46:5--God is there. He's ALWAYS there. 
Tanner King 
Mosiah 2:41--We CHOOSE happiness. It's not always easy but it's something we have to decide.
Which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:  “The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.” -Marjorie Pay Hinkley
My favorite scripture--my top favorite scripture is Phillipians 4:13, but Ashlyn shared that so I'll share my close second.
Luke 22:42--"Not my will, but thine, be done." One of my FAVORITE, FAVORITE, FAVORITE phrases ever! So few words can hold much truth. Christ was bleeding from every pore, suffering for our sins. He asked for help from our Heavenly Father, but he knew the course he had to take. Even if he was suffering, he was willing to do what God wanted him to. Because of that, I know that whatever I am going through now, I CAN DO. Because if Christ had that much faith in God, then I can too. 

I'm so blessed to have stalwart friends in the gospel. They're so willing to follow my odd requests when I text them randomly for blog posts. I love them.

Now for some pictures of the crazy shenanigans of this past week!
Greer and I accidentally matched...so did Tanner and I on Friday. We shall not speak of that moment. 

That Chris though. 

HISTORY IN THE MAKING: The mens bathroom line was longer than the women's. Yeah it's a creepy picture but you know you appreciate it. 

Kazia now sits in the big girl carseat. And has taken 29 steps! This girl is going places...no really. 

Amongst making shirts for Sadies, I found this. I remember this 'ol pillowcase. I'm proud to say Adam and Andrew have done this and been worthy to be called Elders. 

Look at little Adam's handwriting!

Speaking of Sadies...

Kelci and Chris were a bear and Merida from Brave. Basically the perfect costumes for them.

We decided that Tanner is THEE Karate Kid. We got to work on his formation.

 This week has been a crazy one, but I'm glad I got to experience it! God is good.
~Full of Smiles~

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