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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Old Macdonald Had a Smurf.

My parents have really been into garage sale shopping late. But no really. They get A LOT of grandkid toys from that. And I even found this....

Yes. A smurf amongst the farm animals. Strange isn't it? At first I laughed at the fact that such a random toy can be amongst so many things that can fit together. But then I looked deeper into it. (Because I'm all about things that have a deeper meaning.) And I thought that "Aren't we all a smurf?"

Being a female I am FULL of insecurities. Call it what you may, (sometimes I feel like it's hormones) but it's really just being a girl in this world. It's almost like we are programmed to think we don't fit in. WHO IN THE HECK STARTED THAT??!!?? We are so much. We sometimes may feel like we have blue skin in a world of people who all seem the same and know their place. It can be hard to fit in and see our true potential. But our Heavenly Father helps us see that. We need to lean to him in ALL of our hard times. 

I don't ever remember that a farm was defined by a single animal. That's what makes it a farm. Even if you look at the picture you can see even more things that don't really fit. But don't we all just not feel like we fit? We aren't alone on the path of insecurities. It can be hard sometimes to look at another and say "Look at her. She doesn't have any trials. Everybody loves her. Why can't I be that way?" Well the truth is, God made us all different. And for a reason. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we all were outspoken? Or even an introvert? Who knows how crazy it would be!!!

~It's not bad to be you. In fact, be the BEST you. Because life is a farm. And farms don't always go the way we want. They can be full of hardships and unexpected turns, new animals, laughter, but most importantly, Full of Smiles.~

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