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Sunday, August 10, 2014

It Aint Just a Word.

I'll never forget my first year of EFY during testimony meeting. A young man in my company had went up to bear his testimony and I'll NEVER forget what he said. He thanked us girls for dressing modestly and even broke down to tears. He told us it really does have an impacted on young men by the way we dress. Since then, modesty has a COMPLETELY different impact to me.

Modesty. I know some girls roll their eyes at that word. I know it can be hard to be modest these days. But it's SO worth it. If you're trying to get boys attention that way, then are those the boys you really want to attract? I saw this once and I laughed! It's quite hilarious but it also holds a lot of truth!

 I honestly dress for comfort. But you can be modest and comfortable. I believe if you dress modestly you show that you love yourself but in different ways that you can't see. You show that you respect yourself and want the men that are Priesthood holders to keep continuing to be one. After all, YOU get the blessings that come from the Priesthood.

Now I'm not saying that even when I swim I'm in a full jumpsuit hiding myself from the world. But I do not wear bikini's or anything that I feel is immodest to swim in. In fact it's kind of funny, I wear running tank tops and active shorts to swim in! They're actually cheaper than bikini's or any swimsuit that you can find! I love it!

I'm grateful for always deciding that I WANT to dress modestly. Yeah sometimes I don't always get those shorts that I want because they aren't long enough. But I have a firm goal that someday when I go to the temple and someday get to wear garments, that I won't have to throw anything out of my closet because it'll already be the right length. Modesty isn't just protecting others and myself, but it's me preparing to go through the temple someday.

Young Men: (If any read this) TELL the young women you know, and thank them for dressing modestly.
Young Women: DRESS modestly. Don't have to throw anything out when you go through the temple. Because you decide NOW.

~I know that Modesty ain't just a word. I know that if I dress modestly now, I can be Full of Smiles in the future.~

And just a few pictures because I love these people:

**P.S. I never want to tell my nieces and daughters someday to dress immodestly to get attention. Would you want to tell the women you love to dress immodestly for attention to find the wrong men?

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