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Sunday, August 24, 2014

I Understand.

I've done this post about 10 times today. So many different ideas and plans. So I'm sticking with this.

A few weeks ago, I was able to help at the Ogden Temple Open House. Because of that, I understand now.

When I first originally went, I was a standby. (Basically I would help where-needed.) So I got to help a few different places;


The first place I helped at was after the tour, the people would come out of the temple and we would encourage them to take off their shoe covers, and direct them towards the information tent. Occasionally I would say "I hope you enjoyed your tour." Everytime without fail, they would state that they loved the temple and it was beautiful! 

I didn't realize how many people came to see the new temple. Yes, I knew there would be many but I didn't expect to see that many in just a day! It was amazing!

Also, it was amazing to see the nonmembers. It was amazing. You could already see the happiness the temple brought them. One lady in specific came up to us and described to us the Creation Room. At that moment I couldn't remember what it was called. She had a small family with her all of whom looked happy to be there. We pointed her to the way of the information tent. She was so happy and I hope she someday has the chance to take her family to the temple someday to be a forever family. 


The next place I got to help at was pushing wheelchairs throughout the temple for those who needed it. I was able to go through twice that day. I'll tell you of each experience separately. 

The Light. 

The first sister I was able to push around, (I was very nervous. I didn't want to hit anything and it turned out better than I thought!) she was a nonmember. Her neighbors had invited her with them to go to the open house. She loved it! She asked questions (some of those I didn't know but I was glad to learn that I need to improve on learning more of temples.) I didn't know some questions but I was happy to have little parts in the tour that I could share my testimony. It was amazing to see the light of Christ in her eyes. She was truly happy to be there and loved it. I hope her neighbors continue to invite her to church. I think it did open a door to her. 


The next sister I was able to take around was already a member. One of the nicest people I have met. Her husband also came along with us and she told me of how her and her husband had worked in the Nauvoo temple. I can't remember how long they have been serving there but I do remember it was about 10-14 years. She was so happy to see this temple. They did not live in Utah but did come to the open house since they had a family reunion here in Utah. Her whole family came to the open house and when we came out, her family was huge! It was amazing to see they all wanted to see one of the Lord's Houses. She was very kind, and I hope someday to love and enjoy the temple as much as she does. 

I loved that experience. Being able to see the temple through a different view. Same rooms. Same place. Different Spirit. 

The experience was completely different and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to serve in the temple at just 16. I can't wait someday to serve in one of the temples with my eternal companion. 

Same but different.

As I mentioned before, the building was the same place, but different. A few days later I was able to go through the walking tour with the Young Women and Priests in our ward. It was certainly a different experience. I loved being able to be with my friends but we were all in the Lord's House. Especially one of my best friends since kindergarten, Mackenzie South. She has a great spirit about her and is always willing to give hugs! She loves you no matter what and can make you laugh! Being able to walk through with someone I've known for so long was truly amazing. 

I Understand. 

Because the opportunities I've had with the temple, I understand. I understand how important the temples are. I understand the love God has for each of us. I understand that I won't settle for less than a temple marriage. I understand that eternal happiness and blessings come from the temple. I understand that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true gospel and that I can have the everlasting happiness that comes when I live it.

~I loved the opportunity to be able to serve in the temple and later to see the blessings of service. I love the temple. I love the peace it brings. I Understand how God loves us by the way he shows it and gives us temples. It makes Life and Eternity Full of Smiles.~

***So GO and see the temple. Feel of God's love. Know you are loved!***

Pictures from being able to serve on a Saturday a couple months ago and lay wood chips down for the open house parking lot. TOTALLY worth it!

Helping hands are happy hands. 

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