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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Every Seed Has Potential to GROW.

During Sacrament meeting I typically ready my scriptures but today was different. I decided to read the New Era. In it I found an amazing article. (If you want to read it it's in this month's New Era--July 2014-- and is titled; "Abandoned Seeds in Rocky Places."

The story starts of a 14 year-old Elder Kevin R. Duncan of the Seventy. He grew up on a farm and one day he heard a commotion down the road. He goes down to find a truck driver who carried large bags of seeds and one bag had fallen out of his truck. The trucker got out of his truck and saw the bag of seeds in the new tar just put down a few days before. He then decided it would be too much to pick up and drove away angerly. 14 year-old Kevin didn't see a need for that and picked up the seeds and put them in a bucket. His father gave him a small part of the farm to plant his seeds and over time pea grew. The bag was so full of peas that produced many peas that even through his mission his siblings would be able to plant and still have seeds produced to eat.

Elder Duncan believed that every seed was valuable no matter if it had tar on it or not. And I believe the same. Sometimes we can be thrown from the truck and feel as though we are stuck in the tar of our mistakes. But it's amazing to see who and what we can become. Our journey may not be in the circumstances that we desire but we are all each even a part of the farm on this earth. It's up to us weather or not we are going to  thrive or not.

~Every seed has potential to grow and that makes life Full of Smiles.~

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