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Friday, May 9, 2014

Life is Oh So Good.

There are simply the days when we feel on top of the world! We all know that feeling! I love that happy burning sensation that nobody can take away because there is so much sunshine inside. But you want to know something? I feel that happiness EVERYDAY.

Here's why:

We've all heard that cheesy quote:

"Everyday may not be good but there's something good in everyday."

Yes I'm sure we can all picture that one teenager female with a cheesy selfie of herself in some ridiculous pose with that quote right under the picture. But if you really think about it, that quote holds a lot of truth! Everyday can't be good. But we can make it good!

So to the topic of this post;
One of my most favorite people Stephanie Nielson. In her Mormon message at the end she says: "Life is oh so good." Let me tell you something about her. Stephanie was in a plane accident that burned 80% of her body. But she doesn't let life get her down. Everyday is a constant struggle and pain but she still wakes up everyday and goes on with life and see the positive it brings. To me that is simply amazing!

Although I surely haven't been through anything as traumatic as Stephanie has, I do have my day to day struggles. But I can't even explain to you the happiness I feel everyday being able to kneel down on my knees and pray to my Heavenly Father being grateful for all that I have. It's simply one of the best feelings I can't even explain.

I love my life. It's surely not easy but that's what makes it the best! I love trials. Crazy to say I know, but because of trials I become a better person and I love that! I love being able to look back at something I've been through and think; "I did that. I was able to go through that and I'm just fine." Now I'm not taking all the credit by any means. I have family, friends, and most importantly Heavenly Father to thank to help me through those hard times.

~Life isn't easy. But it's oh so good. Through hard times and good, it's all Full of Smiles.~

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