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Sunday, May 4, 2014


Today in Young Womens our lesson was on the prophet and his apostles. What an amazing lesson! In part of the lesson we talked about General Conference and our leader (Sister Green) had printed out multiple short quotes from past conferences. When we were choosing our that were being passed around, I saw a bright red card grabbed it and passed it on. Boy oh boy, I didn't even realize what that quote would hold for me.

-Elder Jeffery R. Holland

I absolutely love this quote! Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints surely has it hardships. But it's oh so worth it!

One of the first things that came to my mind once I read this quote was a coat check. Before you actually check your coat in, you're wearing it. It's almost a symbol of who you truly are. But once you get to your destination you easily take off your coat. LET US NOT TAKE OFF OUR COATS.

Now I'm not saying lets wear our coats all night because it will probably be hot!

Another thing that crossed my mind is when you walk into a party. From the very beginning you can usually tell how that party is going to basically go for the night. I'm fortunate enough to have friends with high standards and morals so I don't have to worry. I love that I can talk the gospel and life with them.

I encourage you to "check" to see what your friends hold to you.
Are they good?
Do they encourage you to become better?
Are you a better person around them?
Do you want to become a better person because of them?

If you can't answer "yes" to these questions, then I encourage you to ponder your friend choices. At this time of our lives friends are a big influence. And if we are checking our religion at the door every time, is it REALLY worth it?

~I know for a fact that when I don't check my religion at the door, my life is Full of Smiles!~

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