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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. (Mosiah 16: 7-8)

It's simply amazing that such a simple statement can bring such happiness to so many people. Happy Easter my friends! I can't help but be happy on this day!

To me, Easter is such a significant meaning. It means that this life isn't it. We can rejoice because of the happiness that comes after we separate from our mortal bodies. But it still means we need to do all that we can that is right. And trust me, that is FAR from easy. But as I've said time and time again, this life wasn't meant to be easy. However, I know we can rise above that temptation.

For me, I love to hear stories about how others have risen above times of turmoil and utter darkness, only to be lifted by the Saviors love and grow a further testimony.

So I guess this is a little something I've learned time and time again.

Sometimes in life it's hard to move on. Sometimes I feel as though my life is in pieces laying all around me and I have no idea when or how I'm even going to begin to pick them up. Then it happens. I get on my knees and pray. Just pray. You may not even know what you're going to say to Heavenly Father. You just pray. Tell him everything. Have him help you figure out your priorities.

Because Christ paid the price for ALL of our sins, we don't have to live this life alone. Because he knows how it feels to be frustrated, angry, hurt, mad, sad, and downright confused. But he suffered for YOUR sins. He knows EXACTLY what it is to feel that way. He is walking that path with you. He loves you and he would NEVER leave you.

In Seminary the other day, we had our Easter/Spring assembly. I heard only great things about it and was excited to be spiritually fed. But the day before, I had seen my cousin after she had the assembly and she was crying. I teased her saying she was a baby. Warning here; I cry on only a few things, the spirit talked to me and told me something I really needed to hear, frustration (almost always from math), and when people brings up missionaries. (I'll have 5 brothers before long that will be either have already been on a mission or currently on one. It sure hits home.) So I thought she was just crying cause others cried. (For some reason that happens to a lot of girls...hormones?) Anyways I was excited to go and listen to what they had planned. It was a great assembly! My brother Andrew is even on Seminary Council so he was in it. But I was just fine as far as emotions until he got up there. I guess I didn't really realize how close he is to going on a mission. He turned in his mission papers last week, and will be getting his call before long. Then that stinker brings up our brother Adam who is serving the Lord in Torreon, Mexico. I probably wouldn't have lost it if he didn't start crying too. STINKER. So it is that I cried. I guess that's also karma for making fun of Emily.

I know for a fact that Heavenly Father prepares us for our trials. He knows that Satan is going not to make it only rain but pour at times. Our Father holds us tight in those times and prepares us for the hard road that will come. Through that seminary assembly, I learned so much about myself and who I wanted to become. Let Heavenly Father and Christ guide you through your hard times.

I realize that this whole post has been basically all over the place in different areas of my testimony. But one thing I want YOU (yes you) to know, is that because Christ atoned for our sins, and walked that path alone,  we do not have to. He died and is risen. He loves us so much. I know he loves me for every stupid mistake I make and you too!

~BECAUSE HE DIED AND IS RISEN THE GRAVE HATH NO VICTORY, AND THE STING OF DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN CHRIST. And that makes life Full of mistakes, trials, happiness, laughter, and SMILES!~

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