About Me

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Love Them.

 Love being an auntie. Even if they almost strangle me.
 And because we can wear cool hats.
 They also love food as much as I do.

 They also like to wear my sunglasses.
 And be cute...always.
 They also have heads about as big as mine.
 They also are good at posing.
 Did I mention they also love food?
Also, they got those Asian eyes. #peripheralvision
 Sometimes they do your hair for you.
 And "help" you find your shoes.
 They can even look cute in overalls.
 They're superheros.
 They showed Adam who's boss. #spitup
 They make the cutest lip.

Those Missionaries.

Today I'm sitting at a laptop used countless times to write some of the most special people to me. I call those people MISSIONARIES.

If you're not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, then you probably don't like when these people show up to your door. Maybe you do. But for me, these people happen to be the most AMAZING people I know. I love them so much. Keep reading for why.

Let me start by saying where some of the people that have served, currently serving, or even going to serve the Lord for a period of 18-24 months.

Elder Kent Barnes: Taipei, Taiwan
Elder Josh Barnes: Pusan, Korea
Elder Jake Barnes: Rosario, Argentina
Elder Ben Barnes: Orlando, Florida
Elder Adam Barnes: Torreon, Mexico
Elder Andrew Barnes: Quito, Ecuador
Sister Cindi Buckley: Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic
Sister Brandee Buckley: Vancouver, Washington
Elder Andrew Buckley: Chicago, Illinois
Sister Jill Wahlen: Cuzco, Peru
Elder John Wahlen: Guayaquil, Ecuador
Elder Keith Barnes: Tallahassee, Florida
Sister Melinda Barnes: Carlsbad, California
Elder Matt Barnes: Berlin, Germany
Elder Kyle Barnes: Sacramento, California
Sister Niki Nicholls: San Diego, California
Sister Kaline Maples: Milan, Italy
Elder Tyler Van Tress: South Salt Lake, Utah--Soon going to Alaska!

Just those names off the top of my head! -So sorry if I forgot anyone! If you message me I will definitely add you!-

Now if you look at those names, you'll see there is a WIDE variety of places! Nobody is hidden from the Lord's work, he wants all of his children to feel the happiness that comes from the gospel! I love these people on this list, they are amazing examples to me and love the gospel of Christ. Who else and why else would someone spend 18-24 months spreading the word of Christ and the happiness it brings? One day, I hope to be added to this list of people, whether it be as a 19-year-old, or with my eternal companion.


One thing that always helps me keep the missionaries on my mind, is MISSIONARY MONDAYS!!! (They also help Mondays be somewhat bearable as well.) For most people, that is the day we receive missionary emails and letters! Mondays are really the best because of that! Even better than those "Man Crush Monday" pictures people do. Psh.


But seriously. As humans in this age, we're all about saving time or money. Going on a mission ain't cheap. And they even take off time from life to go spread the happiness of a religion. They could be going to college, getting married, starting a life, but they put that all on hold because of how important this is to them. Because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints is happiness, I feel EVERYDAY of my life. And the love I feel for others when I feel like there is no way I could love myself. And because missionaries take that time away from worldy things, they see others how Heavenly Father wants us to see them, and bring them the happiness that we have everyday.


A mission is not easy. Often times I've heard it has tested people to the core. They feel like they aren't doing any good, and want to give up. But then it happens. They push past themselves, and become better. They become the person Christ wants them to be. Then the trial was worth it. They even learned about themselves in the process. It's amazing how much Christ loves them and helps them through that trial and even all of our trials. Just how life isn't easy, neither is a mission. I have yet to hear from someone, that they regret going on a mission and learning the things they did. BECAUSE IT'S WORTH IT.


Because of missionaries, my mom's family was converted. Her family moved here from Korea when she was 9. If it weren't for those missionaries that knocked on their door, quite frankly, I wouldn't be here with the parents and family I have. Now I know that is a blunt statement and quite cheesy but my parents did meet at an institute dance. I could've ended up with some crazy life if it wasn't for those missionaries who baptized my mom's family and showed them the happiness that the gospel brings.

Because of missionaries, my dad, brothers, uncles, cousins, and friends have taken part of their life to spread that Plan of Happiness. They put life on hold. They brought families together FOREVER. I'm sure that they wouldn't take that back for anything.

Now I know through many blog posts I feel like my thoughts are all over the place and I don't even know why I keep typing. But I know that I needed to write this for someone. Maybe even for myself. I want YOU to know how much I LOVE missionaries and the example they are to me and their selflessness they show to me. They certainly ring the quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley and when his father wrote to him on his mission in a hard time; "FORGET YOURSELF AND GO TO WORK."

~Those missionaries make my life and others certainly Full of Smiles.~


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. (Mosiah 16: 7-8)

It's simply amazing that such a simple statement can bring such happiness to so many people. Happy Easter my friends! I can't help but be happy on this day!

To me, Easter is such a significant meaning. It means that this life isn't it. We can rejoice because of the happiness that comes after we separate from our mortal bodies. But it still means we need to do all that we can that is right. And trust me, that is FAR from easy. But as I've said time and time again, this life wasn't meant to be easy. However, I know we can rise above that temptation.

For me, I love to hear stories about how others have risen above times of turmoil and utter darkness, only to be lifted by the Saviors love and grow a further testimony.

So I guess this is a little something I've learned time and time again.

Sometimes in life it's hard to move on. Sometimes I feel as though my life is in pieces laying all around me and I have no idea when or how I'm even going to begin to pick them up. Then it happens. I get on my knees and pray. Just pray. You may not even know what you're going to say to Heavenly Father. You just pray. Tell him everything. Have him help you figure out your priorities.

Because Christ paid the price for ALL of our sins, we don't have to live this life alone. Because he knows how it feels to be frustrated, angry, hurt, mad, sad, and downright confused. But he suffered for YOUR sins. He knows EXACTLY what it is to feel that way. He is walking that path with you. He loves you and he would NEVER leave you.

In Seminary the other day, we had our Easter/Spring assembly. I heard only great things about it and was excited to be spiritually fed. But the day before, I had seen my cousin after she had the assembly and she was crying. I teased her saying she was a baby. Warning here; I cry on only a few things, the spirit talked to me and told me something I really needed to hear, frustration (almost always from math), and when people brings up missionaries. (I'll have 5 brothers before long that will be either have already been on a mission or currently on one. It sure hits home.) So I thought she was just crying cause others cried. (For some reason that happens to a lot of girls...hormones?) Anyways I was excited to go and listen to what they had planned. It was a great assembly! My brother Andrew is even on Seminary Council so he was in it. But I was just fine as far as emotions until he got up there. I guess I didn't really realize how close he is to going on a mission. He turned in his mission papers last week, and will be getting his call before long. Then that stinker brings up our brother Adam who is serving the Lord in Torreon, Mexico. I probably wouldn't have lost it if he didn't start crying too. STINKER. So it is that I cried. I guess that's also karma for making fun of Emily.

I know for a fact that Heavenly Father prepares us for our trials. He knows that Satan is going not to make it only rain but pour at times. Our Father holds us tight in those times and prepares us for the hard road that will come. Through that seminary assembly, I learned so much about myself and who I wanted to become. Let Heavenly Father and Christ guide you through your hard times.

I realize that this whole post has been basically all over the place in different areas of my testimony. But one thing I want YOU (yes you) to know, is that because Christ atoned for our sins, and walked that path alone,  we do not have to. He died and is risen. He loves us so much. I know he loves me for every stupid mistake I make and you too!

~BECAUSE HE DIED AND IS RISEN THE GRAVE HATH NO VICTORY, AND THE STING OF DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN CHRIST. And that makes life Full of mistakes, trials, happiness, laughter, and SMILES!~


Basically to put it in short, MORP was fantastic. It was fun to mess around, hit each other with nerf arrows (quite a few times on occasion--Brooklyn), play on slides at a park (fall on your butt--Kelci), dance at the sauna of a school, and have an all around good time!

I had the best group.

And an even better date! Thanks for dealing with my weirdness Nolan!

Gotta love them school dances...yo.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I owe you notes have got to be one of the evilest/best things ever. Well Morgan found an I O U note between her and Tanner. So Tanner ended up having to have a party! Got to love blackmail! ;) The party was pretty awesome! Other than the fact that Tanner provided straight sugar refreshments...which made some people (who shall remain nameless) rather... HYPER! If you ever wondered about the theory that you shouldn't give kids lots of sugar or they'll have a "sugar high" it proves rather true my friends. It works. Don't deny.

Since it's Sunday I thought  I would put somewhat of a realtion of the Gospel here. (Sneaky right?)

Our Savior wrote and fulfilled our "I O U". He atoned for our sins. He suffered SO much pain for the mistakes I've made. And YOU TOO! He loves us enough to go through pain for us. (Pretty cool right?) It's now up to us to take not throw away that I O U. We now need to use the tools we've been given and spread the word and his work. We need to be SO grateful and show that. We have a work to do. Let's fulfill that I O U.

{Let's use our I O U's to make life Full of Smiles!}

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Asian Sterotypes.

I realized how my other posts seem to be more on the serious side. So here's my attempt at trying to change that and make it less intense.

So if you know me well enough, you'll realize I don't get offended by my Asianess. (Ok I'm only half.) In fact it's an everyday joke for me. I'm quite positive I can't go a day without joking about it. It's just a part of me so I don't see a need or why you would be offended. Honest to truth I don't get why you would be offended by that. If there's something that's different about yourself that you can laugh at yourself for, then do it by all means!

Stereotypes I fulfill:
-Small eyes: Last time I checked I have those. Heck you can blind me with floss.
-Short: Yup. Got that. At least I won't have a hard time (someday) finding a husband that's taller than me.
-Bad Driver: Let me tell you, that and female don't mix.
-Eats lots of rice: It's delish. Why not?

Stereotypes I don't fulfill:
-Being able to speak Korean: Although it's funny to say a single phrase from Jackie Chan Adventures. It's when the old grandpa is meditating. People fall for it every time.
-Knowing every Asian looking person out there: that's like asking if you know that one guy in the car next to you. Zero to none my friends.
-Karate Moves: Sadly not so my friends.

I'm sure there's more I can't even think of but seeing people's faces when I tell them I'm offended that they called me out on being Asian, is definitely Full of Smiles. 🍜🍚🍱🍣🍥🇰🇷🎎

Because I Know

The best thing ever happened this weekend. GENERAL CONFERENCE! It's AMAZING. I feel SO uplifted! General Conference puts you on a Spiritual High that you honestly cannot  (or at least I cannot) even describe. I invite you to go and listen to every single talk given at conference. 

Disclaimer: I've been out of town so we haven't listened to all of conference. YET. I PROMISE I will listen to every single talk. 

So it's been a while since I've even blogged. So here's my spill:

It's NOT easy. It wasn't supposed to be easy. But I know that because I'm  a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, that  I'm not alone. Days are hard. There's no doubt about that. But I PROMISE to you, there are BRIGHTER days ahead. And not to forget; LIFE IS GRAND.  It's amazing to have what we have, to know what we know, and do what we do. We are AMAZING! There are days when we are simply (as Imagine Dragons would put it)  On Top of the World. But even in the darkest of trials and the hardest of days, I know we can still be "On Top of the World".
So here is my advice; be happy, serve much, do well, be good, and be strong. 

I love my family!!! I can say it over and over and over! They are my best friends! I absolutely LOVE getting together and just sitting and talking and LAUGHING. My brothers are the funniest! And my parents are so wise. I just love that. 
Here's what I love about my family;

Dad: Even though he already knows it, he's so funny! He's got a great spirit about him and is one of the most caring people I know. He's an amazing bishop  but he handles it with such grace. I love my pops!

Mom: She never ceases to serve. She's always busy serving others and never sits to take a break. She makes me a better person and deals with my stubbornness! She's a fierce and energetic Grandma and mom. She also has a very interesting idea of  how Spanish really is.  I love my Mumsy!

Josh and Kari: I love that they live so close now! I love seeing them almost everyday and getting to see my cute nieces! They do so much for me and listening to all my weird stories. I love you Booger Boy and Kar!

Jake and Kendra: They seem to always know when I'm going through a rough time. They'll write me letters or notes to even pull me aside and thank me for taking care of the twins. (I should be thanking them! They are amazing to my nephews!) I love Jake's laugh and Kendra's smile! I love you Jakers and Ken!

Ben and Morgan: These two are crazy! I'm glad when they ask me to ride in the car with them! And Morgan for always doing my hair! Ben can be a stink (literally) but  they are so serviceful and love others! I love you Ben and Mo!

Adam: My best friend! He's so selfless in serving the people of Mexico! Everytime I think about him or how close he is to coming home tears come to my eyes. I know I can always talk to him about anything and come back uplifted  and happier and ready to tackle the day.  I love you ya weirdo!

Andrew: Love this kid! We laugh about the stupidest of things, and laugh about it even 10 minutes later! Granted , we don't get  along a lot of the time but I'm so grateful for the example he shows me! I love you. Botat!

Nephews and Nieces: Oh. My. Goodness. I love you guys SO much. I know you can't read this but I hope someday when I'm old and forget about this you'll find it and read it. By then I'm sure your phone will be built into your hand. I love you guys! You make me so happy whenever I see you or hear when you're coming! You make me laugh so hard and are worth losing sleep over! I love having sleepovers with both of you! I  love you Mike, Kaz, Sammers,  and Lukers!

I can't even tell you how important it is to have good friends.  My friends are AMAZING people. They help me through so much and show so much courage. Most importantly to me, they show faith in the Gospel. I love that. I love being able to talk about the gospel. Another thing that I love about my friends is just sitting there at parties and just laughing at stupid things. Stupid jokes, stupid/awkward scenarios we've encountered .  Laughing is definately the best medicine!!

So how is this all connected?
Ok. Honestly I don't know. I just had a feeling I needed to update this thing. It's been a while  and my mind was all over the place but there it is. 


Life is not easy. But knowing who I am, makes life Full of Smiles.