About Me

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


So today I babysat the Van Natter kiddos. And this is pretty much how it went down...
Austin didn't take a nap so we watched a movie on my iPad while the others napped. And of course I was too lazy to grab a pillow so I used a water floaty. In fact, it was such a great idea that Austin grabbed one too and sat by me. How sweet!

Kenz was sitting on my lap then went off to grab a book or a toy and Carter sat on my lap. Yeah she wasn't to happy about that. So she told Carter a big "NO" for sitting in her spot. But it's all good because I somehow fit both of them on my lap and legs...yeah it was pretty numb!:)

Bugga found one of those stretchy plastic balls. Those were always so fun to me! It made it me even like it more when he would stretch it each time and go "WOAH!!!" Like it was a new experience each time! 

~Being with those kiddos sure bring a time full of smiles!~


  1. Cute pictures!!! I can totally hear my Kenzie cussing her brother out! She's getting a lot sass. Thanks for watching our kiddos. They LOVE you!!! Tyson colored an awesome truck picture. Thanks for the activities and bribes too!

  2. Just saw this! I laughed so hard! Kenzers is too cute! And you're welcome! I love those kiddos!!! :)
