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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Something You Should Know.

A few months ago, I was making my routine drive from my classes on campus to work. I was feeling overwhelmed at what seemed like a never-ending to do list, and feeling (what Satan works so hard for us to feel) discouraged.

Right as I was in the middle of complaining to myself, I got an overwhelming feeling of relief as I could almost feel someone telling me, "God wants you to remember you are good." 

That thought has crossed my mind at least a hundred times since that day, and it seems like a reminder we all really need in today's world.

So many causes. 

There are so many things that seem to inhibit us from really seeing the good in ourselves that God wants us to see. For example, I love social media. I love seeing what people are up to, getting new photography ideas, learning what my Peruvians are doing so far away, watching heart-warming videos of those who have fought for good, and I just love those good little memes that seem to cross my feed at a time I just needed a good little laugh.

But it's also pretty awful right? It's hard seeing where others are, things that they have accomplished in the same time you've been graduated from high school, seeing how seamless it is for them to be grateful or do daring things with their life. It's exactly what social media wasn't made for right? I'm a firm believer in social media. I don't think the solution is to take it away completely, it's going to be there forever. But I do believe it's good in moderation. (Which believe me, I'm still learning.)

I also have felt that sometimes it's easy for us to forget where we are at with our relationship with our Father in Heaven. He's the one who cares more than anyone for our happiness & well-being. He cares so much that we can truly see who we are and the good we inherently have. Although at times it almost seems too difficult to even get on our knees after a hard day and say, "hi. it's me. I love you. I'm grateful for all I am given." But the good thing is, He knows how hard it can be for us at times, even when we forget or are slacking in our daily prayers, or reading our scriptures, HE LOVES US!!

How to remember you're good.

So as I continue to figure this out, I wanted to share how I've begun to remember that I'm good (& to see it more in others too).

text someone.

I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to see a text message come up from an old friend or family member saying they've been thinking about me & want to see how I'm doing. Nothing seems to melt my heart more! If you have the feeling to message someone, do it!! It makes such a difference in the life of someone else for them to know they are being thought of.

get out!!

Find something that gives you joy. (Here I am, being Marie Kondo) For me, I had to spark that fire to begin doing photography again, (and now just trying to get back into blogging haha) and it makes it so much better if you find someone to enjoy your hobbies with! (Shoutout to Cait!)

give yourself some goals

There isn't very many things that make you feel better than checking something off your list of to-dos. (Even if you just finished it write it down, just so you can cross it off. ;)) 

let yourself see God everyday

Life is so busy guys! We are here to accomplish great things! But we certainly can't do it alone, and we need a little dose of heaven each day to help us realize the greatness that we can accomplish. I learned on my mission that I can do so much more if I take the time to see God everyday, do my best, and let Him do the rest.

realize how truly awesome you are !! 

Do something for yourself each day. Let yourself accomplish something you've always wanted to do. Take a moment to get ready and feel more confident in yourself. 

believe (& know) that everyone is amazing !!

I remember a friend telling me to get ready each day and make yourself feel beautiful. Look at the mirror right before you leave, then to spend the rest of your day making everyone else feel beautiful. It's still one of my favorite pieces of advice. Everyone has some inner awesome in them.

Guys. I'm so imperfect at my own advice. But I guess that's why we are here on earth for an extra long time to even begin figuring out how good we really are. I hope you take a moment everyday to remember how good you are. No matter what, we have every reason to know we are good, even if we don't feel like we are. 

So something you should know, is that you're good.