About Me

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My Momma Was Right.

5 years ago, I can remember the day I was crying to my mom that I didn't have any friends, my little junior high brain would never completely fathom the greatness that was about to come. I can actually remember the very moment and day in junior high, we were in the library and I was looking at a kid and thinking, "man he's weird." Well Heavenly Father has a great sense of humor because that weird kid actually became one of my best friends. He's out serving the people of New Mexico as we speak! (Well as I speak...)

Flash forward to today, and I said a good "see ya" to one of my best friends. Called her on the phone and heard her voice for the last time for 22 months. My eyes cried, my heart is aching, but I am happy. Joyful in fact!!

As they say.

I couldn't sleep last night. (Go figure--college life.) I was looking at the wonderful pictures I have on my wall of my fantastic friends! My squad.

My mom always had a saying, "friends will come and go, but your family will always be there." Alright, alright, I did tease her about that. But my mom was right, (as she always is) friends did come and go. They still do! But the wonderful people I have met in this lifetime, have made such an impact and positive influence on me. I can't even thank them enough! Many are out serving now, in Oregon, New Mexico, Chile, Washington D.C., Nebraska, Spain, Peru, North Carolina, and soon to be Cambodia and Mexico! (Plus so many more!)

I remember sitting in Young Women lessons and they would talk about how important it is to choose good friends because you'll become who you surround yourself with--"yeah yeah blah blah" I thought I totally had life figured out--lol no. But I couldn't agree more! I wouldn't want to be surrounded with any other friends. In 84 days I'll be leaving to serve the people of Trujillo PerĂº. And I can only owe that to the best of friends.

Get yourself a squad.

It took me until the end of senior year, to be completely satisfied with the friends I had. Get yourself some good people. Get yourself friends who will be there for you through thick and thin. (and everywhere in-between) Get yourself some friends who love fries as much as you do. Get friends who love going to the temple. Get friends who will make you be a better person. Get friends who will make fun of your obsession with Duck Dynasty. Get yourself friends who make you proud to be a Latter-Day Saint. Get yourself a squad.

My momma was right, friends come and go, family stays. And I do have eternal family but this is my squad-family. (It's cool--it's just a word I made up. ;)

Life isn't easy, but it's a lot harder if you don't surround yourself with friends who you want to be like. And boy, do I want to be like my little squad. I miss and love ya'll.