About Me

Saturday, November 14, 2015

*Insert happy sun emoji here*

GUESS. WHAT. Your Savior, Jesus Christ LOVES YOU. 



Your Heavenly Father LOVES YOU EVEN MORE. 

How grand is that? That two people, NO MATTER WHAT love you more than you can ever fathom. They love you and I. Regardless of the stupid mistakes we make, or the words we say, (with extremely bad timing I must say--guilty of that!) they even love us when we don't! Isn't that simply AMAZING?!

Times are rough. Ohhhh are they rough. But I PROMISE you, that even if you feel there is nobody around you, that you feel broken, lost, hurt, afraid, and far from home, that is FAR from the truth. I know of two people who love you more than anything, more than you can EVER understand. One who gave you life and a glorious life, yours for the taking to lead. Another who literally died for YOU. But He is risen again. And He wants you to know that. Now, how could you forget one who created you, and one who knows exactly how you feel? YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Be happy. Even when it's the hardest to be happy. Even when you make mistakes that you wish you could take back. Be happy knowing that you aren't alone on this journey called life. Be happy through trials where it's hard to face another day. JUST BE HAPPY. 

Mostly Marissa