About Me

Sunday, May 31, 2015


There's just weeks where you don't even know how you survived. So you just have to be grateful. And so I will be. Here's an update from the past week, and how I'm going to turn it around to be fantastic. Because it really was fantastic.--So the post deleted itself, so I'll just do a quick re-wrap up of it all.

The obsession of foxes continues. 

Love this weirdo. 

And her stinky baby sister.

They love the trampoline all too much.
Love the temple, these girls, and the gospel of Christ. And food. Always food. 

Hikey hike with these lovelies. Don't you just love that golf course overlook? ;)

Thank you selfie stick. 

And because there was a wicked awesome thunder, lightening and rain storm we decided to dance in the rain. And it was rad. Afterwards, I was tired and exhausted so I did what any logical person would do...made myself a lion. 

Wet gals. 


Carly thinks he's a stud so he makes that face.

So Greer and I decided that this was going to be her album cover when she's a popular rapper. No biggie. 

Snuggling with papa? 

*Smack*! Nope. 

Here's all the great things my friends brought me when I was wisdomless. The first time I wrote this post I had the entire story of my experience of being on drugs and out of it all written out, buuuuttt since I don't want to retype that, I'll just tell you the song I sang about not being able to have ice cream (since I couldn't have it for 24 hours after surgery)--May I remind you I haven't been on drugs like that before and was actually completely aware of what I was saying but couldn't do a thing about it. Don't do drugs kids. Alright the verse I can remember went something like this..*ahem*
"No ice cream, no ice cream, no ice cream. Hey!" 
No ice cream, no ice cream, no ice cream until tomorrooooowww!!"
Yup. I was a high as the sky. After singing that "lovely" song I cried about how "I don't have friends"--obviously I do if they brought me food ;)-- and cried about who knows what. I didn't even know! And that is when I became wisdomless. 

Love this crazy girl. Always making faces to match others. 

Uncessesary-but cute-Asian face.

I promise Kaz was as happy as Mike to be at McDonalds. Despite the look on her face. 

Sleepover night two! Disregard that Mike looks like she's showing off her angry bird. 
I love Devrie. She's seriously the cutest and so funny! These next few photo creds go to her. :) 

Oh look at my squad. How I love them. 

Taking a moment for the Zaque face.

Hey look, it's one of my best friends. 

This kid is going to do such great things for the Lord and people of Hawaii. He did such a great job today on his talk and he's going to be a stellar missionary. 

Oh sassy Chris face never disappoints. 

Oh creepy Jacob face is...always creepy. 

So Tanner and I came up with the latest fashion, tying your keys to your belt. It's now finding itself popular around Plain City. Booyah. 

Mike and I with our curled "hurr" as she would call it. 


And although this week was rough, it was great. I became "wisdomless" in one area, but gained so much in others. And I think Elizabeth Smart said it best;

"Life is a journey for us all. We all face trials. We all have ups and downs. All of us are human. But we are also the masters of our fate. We are the ones who decide how we are going to react to life."
-Elizabeth Smart, from her book My Story

~Mostly Marissa 

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Once upon a time, *Squadtillion was born. And it was freaking fantastic. It consisted of baptisms for the dead, Denny's, shoe making skills, Wally Mart, a pasta bar, Catch Phrase, Apples to Apples, and night games. All with my squad. And it was an epic day that nothing could do it justice really.

Look at us making our shoessss.
Tanner an Greer's car kissing. 

Group hug for the best keychains that Zach made us. 

I told you they were the best. I mean, LOOK IT'S MULAN!!

Oh man. I love my squad. 

Apples to Apples...this was too funny not to share. YOU HAD TO BE THERE. 

Look at us and our pasta and happiness.

Mah foxy shoes

I was prudy proud. Mostly because I finally finished. And I had to top it off with some rad french fry socks--courtesy of my dad--with my pants tucked in. 

OoOOoOoOOo! Look at that studly Bryan swaggin those goggles. 

When we find a wagon, we have fun. 

I think we fit like 5 people on there. It was great. 

Nerd glasses and a ninja mask. The quality fugitive material.--I'm terrible at that game FYI.

And here's the photos Zach and Shae sent me: Cred to them!

and now it won't let me upload Shae's photos. But they are wicked awesome I promise. :) 

Oh, the first annual Squadtillion was one for the books. It was so great spending all day with some of my favorite crazy people. We seriously partied hard. Thanks Zach for planning it all and the squad for being crazy enough to keep my awake. You da real MVPs.

~Mostly Marissa~

*Squadtillion: Like Senior Cotillion but not. Because we are just younglings and aren't old enough for that yet. Plus being with your crazy friends the entire day is far better. 

The Pea Brain Can't Imitate Peace.

Pea Brain: Satan

I'm sure I've said it time and time again, but I hate Satan. He's literally a Pea Brain. He thinks or thought he could take on our Heavenly Fathers plan and thinks even more so that he can take on us. Sometimes he does get to us, in our deepest and sincerest moments of life he nicks right at the hard core. But, he's nothing compared to our Heavenly Father who has all power and He is the one who wants to make us happy.

There's so many emotions in us. Happy, sad, anger, jealousy, excitement, laughter, crying,--crying because you're laughing--, and peace.

Peace is something that can be extremely hard for me to explain. It's a feeling that everything is going to be alright when your world feels like it's completely falling apart. It's the feeling that you get of almost overwhelming happiness that's true and sincere. It's the feeling that even though life is pulling you a billion different directions, that it will all work out somehow. It's the feeling of our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Whether it was at EFY, Seminary, or at church I can't remember but I do remember my teacher showing us a scripture about if it "Inspiration or Indigestion" to help us discover the answers and feelings that we get concerning everyday life. I wish I knew the reference, but it had a list of things we feel and occur in our lives, and Satan can imitate those emotions. Every single one. Except one. Peace. He can not and will not ever be able to imitate peace that we feel from doing what we should. He never will get that outstanding opportunity to teach us the power and impact that God has in our lives for us to know the path we should take. He just can't. It's not in his nature and he just...can't

So my friends, I ask you one thing: seek a question out this week. It doesn't have to be major or anything. But pray about it. Search and ponder the scriptures about it. Do things that will bring positivity and happiness and answers. You will find the answer.

Peace is just fantastic. I love it. And since that Pea Brain can't imitate it, I'm just fine and dandy with that. :)

~Mostly Marissa~

And now for the reminiscing of photos from this past last week -o- school!

I love these weirdos. 

We may or may not have caught a butterfly/moth/winged-creature. Needless to say Kaz loved it...so much that she shook the container like crazy and probably shook the brains of the poor thing. 

When we style, we style hard. :) Playing dress up is still fab with this girl.

Giving grandma Barnes a Mother's Day gift the right way! 

Seminary Grad gift for Zach and Faith!...alright Faith was in a hurry so I didn't get a picture with her.

Hot dang. 


Oh adorbs. 

When Tanner and Shae fight who's going to sit shotgun in my car, I slide in real quick and lock the doors and proceed to drive away until the darn kids block the road. 

They could be models I tell ya. 

So graduation was long and really long and I remembered I had a coloring app on my phone "for the grandkids" it was a jolly 'ol time. Meet Fred and Al.

The game totally changed when I found out you can doodle on your own photos.

Tanner the pirate/bearded/man/thing with a flower headband. 

Oh Chrissy Chris drooling over bae. 


We quite literally got rained out at graduation. So crazy. But so awesome. 

Of course we went to Jake's. 

Last temple Tuesday as juniors. *Tear, tear*

Oh Chris. I heart your selfies. 

How Jacob and I felt about math by the last week of school.

Making ice cream in chemistry! My fingers were bright red and probably close to frostbite by the time we were done. But all well worth it!

Seriously some of the best ice cream ever. 

Taaaaaacccccoooo Tuesssdayyyyy! Thanks KayD for getting me a taco. I appreciate it. And bringing your adorable duck. 

Taco selfie with our favorite Puerto Rican!

I wasn't kidding about the duck. 

Oh the lovely surprises I find when cleaning out my locker. Thanks for the creepy face friends. And my new name. And it's spelled MARISSCA. 

Saw Ephraim's Rescue in seminary. This quote tugs at my feels every time so it was about time I made a collage. 

Found this oldie of these cuties. I friggin love my cute nephews. 

Look how wittle we were. Man I can't believe she's graduated and all growed up. We rocked them poofy bands and fancy princess dresses over our clothes. *Dusts off shoulder* 

I love my Kenzie girl. She's been my pal since Kindergarten and makes me laugh more and smile more everytime I see her. True friend right here. 

We went to Burger Bar and I was ticket #1! And we all got ginormous, delicious burgers! 
Look we're cute, and I'm hanging on a wall. 

Just eating in a creeper van courtesy of Jacob. 

Brooky-G, Rach, and I in our natural selfie habitat. 

Squadtillion post is next and you best not be missing it.