About Me

Sunday, June 22, 2014


As a 16-year-old female in the world today, it's often hard to be our TRUE selves. I know even now that I'm developing into the person I'm soon to be. I'm excited to see my own potential, because I know I can do GREAT things. 

***I know it's hard today being a female. There have been many times I've contemplated not even doing this post. But I know there is some reason I need to. Maybe for me and maybe not. So if you know someone who needs to know that they are loved, have them read this and tell them that you love them and they need to love themselves.

My Story of Finding ME.

Yes. My story of me is still going on right now as we speak. But I want to show you what I've learned so far. Today, the world shows us females as easily manipulated. I can't tell you how much I HATE that. We females are simply AMAZING. WE DO AMAZING THINGS. WE HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL. WE ARE BEAUTIFUL AND STRONG. So no world, we are not worthless, or easily manipulated. So get it right and see us for we truly are.

I'm Not a Blue-Eyed or Blonde. 

For a long time, I honestly thought that no man could ever love or marry me because I wasn't the typical blue-eyed, blonde-hair girl that they always seem to fall for. BOY WAS I WRONG. Now I'm not saying I've found my Eternal Companion, but I am saying that I LOVE MYSELF. I LOVE WHO I AM. Not everyday, but I've learned that this is who God created me to be. And I should not ever change that. I'm different. And that's GREAT!!! I love being different. I love who I am. I love myself. I encourage you to if you haven't already, to LOVE YOURSELF. 

I Found ME. 

Another struggle I had was feeling incapable because everyone I seemed to either play a sport, play an instrument, or have a hobby that expressed them and they absolutely loved. I had felt as though I had nothing like them that this completely described me. But you know what? I did find my nitch. Can you guess what it is? I LOVE BEING A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. That's what makes me, well me! I find so much comfort in the gospel everyday of my life. I love sharing my testimony because it's MINE. Nobody could ever change that. I love that I love who I am because of the gospel. I love sharing who I am and being proud of it. 

Numbers Don't Mean a Thing.

A lot of insecurities of a female comes from her physical image. It's quite inevitable really. But not unless we learn to cope with it. Many people make goals of how much they want to lose. But for me, that never really worked. So here's what helped me; I made a goal of myself to be confident of who I am and feel confident in my own skin. Now I'm not saying that I don't weigh myself or look at my weight. I surely do. But I do not base who I am as a person on that, because that's not the right way to see ourselves. Not your typical goal, but it's mine. I know although, that this goal is NEVER done. There isn't going to be a day that I don't go by without judging myself. But that's why I love this goal. Because I learn more about myself through this goal. I learn to love the little things about myself but also to always improve and become better. I can be confident of myself. I can do hard things and so can you!

Heavenly Father Loves You, So LOVE YOURSELF. 

It's a given fact. YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER LOVES YOU. There's nothing that can change his mind on that. He loves you SO much. I know he loves me. He knows our every need. He loves who we are and we should too. Because he made us who we are. Just like when you tell your best friends about everything he wants to hear it too. Let him know. LOVE YOURSELF. 

~It's not easy to be in today's world. Surely not as a female. But we are oh so great. I love myself and I know that makes life Full of Smiles.~

Sunday, June 15, 2014

To the DADS.

There are too many names to call our dads. He's our best friend! I love my dad and all he does for me. Nobody that can drive me more nuts but also nobody else I want to go to for the advice he gives. Here's to all the dads! We sure love you and appreciate you for all you do!

Not only am I grateful for my Earthly Father but also my Heavenly Father. I know he hears and answers my prayers. He is always there for me but I need to go to him and ask for forgiveness or help. He's willing to help because he loves me and I love him!

Here's some messages from my siblings and I to OUR dad;

Kari: I love Kent because he still talks to me even though I almost pierced him through the heart with a jigsaw.  Plus he is always doing things to help our little family out--it's been such a blessing to live so close to such great in-laws.

Micah:  oh Bapaw?  MY BAPAW!!

Kazia:   Zzzzzzzzzz

I have a lot of favorite memories of dad. One of the best ones has to do with his humor; He was a leader over the young men and came to youth conference at BYU with us. We stayed in the dorms and Josh and his roommate, Matt Gittins, we're taking a while getting up to go to breakfast. So dad being the mature leader he was pulled out a stink bomb he brought with him. He popped the water sack in it and before it swole up too big he slid it under their door and ran off to breakfast laughing. Seconds later Josh and Matt came through the door coughing, gagging and mad. They didn't suspect dad at first but didn't question it either when they found out.

One of my favorites things about Kent is how he interacts with the grand kids- even when they are itty-bitty.  Many grown men avoid babies unless they are their own. He's such a loving fun grandpa!!  Thank you Kent for being such a good example to my husband as a father and husband.  We love you and are so grateful to have you in our lives.  Happy Father's Day!!

You are such a great father! You have taught us so much in being a great man and priesthood holder. Your love for family and life are inspiring. 
You are constantly willing to serve others. You have taught us hard work and diligence. You also bring out the fun and humor in situations. We are excited to bring children in this world in the future to have a wonderful grandfather like you!

Dad is never hesitant to help me and make time of the family. I look up to him with the way he is able to handle his many callings and responsibilities. He is not afraid to show his love for his family and wife. Happy Fathers Day Dad!

I love you dad! I love that you can make me laugh when I certainly don't want to. I love that your jokes can be stale like grandpas. I love that you tease me (sometimes) like the time that I couldn't wait for mom to get home and you told me that she usually honks her horn when she needs help with groceries only a few minutes later did I hear a horn and find out it was you just pushing the lock button on your keys. And I walk inside to find you laughing so hard you were going to pee your pants. Or the time I kept putting off mowing and you put a dead snake in the grass for me to find. Later when I came inside to tell you you almost had an asthma attack laughing so hard thinking you were so clever. But I love most that you honor your priesthood and treat my mother with such respect and you show your love to her. I hope someday to find a man that loves me as much as you love mom. I can't wait to tell you all about him and ask you to approve. I know that you love me but I love you more dad! 

Josh and Dad

Baby Jake and Dad

So crazy!

Josh and Dad blowing bubbles together!

Jake and Dad. 

Ben and Dad on a camping trip together.

Dad and Ben after a water fight at scout camp.

Baby Adam and Dad.

Toddler Adam and Dad. 

Chubby Andrew and Dad. 

Andrew and Dad. 

Dad and I playing. 

My Dad has always been my napping buddy. 

Happy Fathers Day Dad! We loved you with these crazy styles and we love you now!

Even the crazy grandkids. 


~Fathers sure make life Full of Smiles, laughs, lessons, happiness, and memories! We're all so grateful for the sacrifices you make! WE LOVE YOU DADS!~

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I'm a Survivor.

It's been a crazy past two weeks. But I am a survivor. Summer has come in full speed it seems but I'm glad because it's a good kind of busy!

I started work. 6-2:30 hours. It's rough getting up but it's worth it! Getting money is nice! My coworkers are pretty great! They make me laugh so hard and make getting up that much easier.

And they also take selfies on your phone...

Thanks Faith and Ashley. It sure made my day!

I also did the outside chores for a week...that was an adventure. And one day a baby llama just...appeared. Thanks Tina for poppin' one out when Andrew and dad were gone. I called it Chaunco even though it was a girl. It's a miracle that I didn't see a snake or mouse. 

Sadly, Chaunco had a deteriorated mouth. And passed away yesterday. We think it's due to the disease she had. She lived a good life and was sure a cutie.

Although I felt hilarious. 

Kazia's got some baby sass. 

Micah and I fixed the whole "double-chin" issue. #camo

And we tried to get Kari and Kaz in on the fun. 

Swam in the freezing pool with the girls. 

Snuggled with Kaz. 

Micah was so excited she didn't know what to touch first! 

Mike summing up how we both felt after a long day of shopping. 

Partied it up with Nolan and Chris and later Kelci. 

Got ready for the first time in two weeks!

Made the girls camp flag!

White "Whale" Ward! YO!!!!

Had some ice cream!

~These past two weeks have been sure crazy but I'm ready for more. Summer has already been Full of Smiles and I'm a survivor of this craziness!~

I'm a Convert.

I'm a convert. In some ways I am and some ways I'm not. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Otherwise a Mormon. I know it, I live it, and I LOVE IT!!!

I'm not a convert in the ways that missionaries or friends suggested me to take discussions. I'm a convert in the ways that I personally had to find my own testimony of the gospel. In fact we all do. So really, we're all converts.

It's not a simple process really. I didn't have an unshaken testimony that I loved this gospel until well actually this year basically. I did know for a fact that I knew this was gospel was true through the past 16 years but it honestly came this last school year.

I had an AMAZING seminary teacher, Brother Mueller. He taught me to love the gospel in ALL aspects. And be proud of it. I can't think of a day that I honestly didn't want to go to his class. It made my days a ton better and my testimony of Christ and the Book of Mormon even that much stronger and unshaken.

I grew up in the church in fact. I've always had a testimony. But I started realizing it more and more this past year and how much stronger I needed to be through the transition of high school. High school is tough. There's a lot of things you don't want to see or hear in the halls that you do. I find it so important to have a testimony at these times. But through having a testimony and following through with what you know, makes it immensely easier.

So yes, we are all converts. We all need to find our own testimony and nitch in the gospel. We all need to have our own testimony through the trials we face.

I encourage you if you have not already, find your OWN testimony. Know for yourself. Find that happiness because it's so worth it.

~I'm a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have a testimony of it. I know it. I love who I am when I live the right way. It makes life Full of Smiles.~