About Me

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Coming Unto Christ

There are those days when you're glad your family has your back and will still love you even if you are a grouchy-pants. Today was one of those days! I wasn't in the best mood. However, there's this year Mutual theme that is Come Unto Christ. OH. MY. GOSH. The song they have for this year is my FAVORITE. GO WATCH IT NOW. I simply cannot stop listening to it! It is AMAZING!

Anywho, life certaintly isn't easy. Somedays you're just cranky, but you don't want to unhappy cause honestly life's great! Today's one of those days you're happy for second chances... (and third, and fourth, and fifth...)

I'm so grateful to know that I'm NEVER alone. Even the days when I don't deserve kindness from others, yet I still recieve it. I know that even after the hardest of days I can kneel down and be heard. I know that. I KNOW THAT! 

Please know, YOU are HEARD!

Coming Unto Christ makes life Full of Smiles! :D

Friday, March 28, 2014

Life Lately.

It's sure been a crazy about 8 months since I've updated! It's a lot to go through every moment that I've been grateful for since then. But man, so many times in just a short 8 months where I've learned so much about myself and a bigger plan there is for me.

So. Here we are. Let's see if I can keep this thing updated. And also, IT'S SPRING BREAK!!!

Until next time.

This adventure of life is going to be Full of Smiles.